Kurt Angle shootet gegen WWE Superstars - Randy Orton gibt Contra - Twitter-Account von Kurt Angle gehackt?

  • TNA Wrestler Kurt Angle hat während der Live-Ausstrahlung des WrestleMania XXVII Pay-Per-Views mehrere Tweets via Twitter veröffentlicht, in denen er sich verärgert darüber zeigt, dass Randy Orton, Jack Swagger, Michael Cole und Jerry Lawler seine Moves "Angle Slam" und "Ankle Lock" klauen würden, um den WrestleMania XXVII Pay-Per-View zu "retten":

    "To WWE wrestlers, Don't use my Finish. Get more Creative. Hmmmm- Orton. Did I say that. I heard Orton had an Awesome match though. Ur welcome. Lol. I guess Swagger will use my Ankle Lock as well.Very creative. I'm the Best in the World. You Guys will never be Kurt Angle.can I get an AMEN. Kurt Angle will never die. TNA. WWE. I'm a leader. Not follower. Why would WWE use my finishes? Is it because I won't go back? R Orton- Angle Slam. M Cole- Ankle Lock? They have some nerve. Jerry Lawlor did it too. But He is a Legend. WWE really stuck it to Me.No Love lost. I'm glad that I helped Your biggest Event of the Year:)"

    Kurz darauf meldete sich WWE Superstar Randy Orton via Twitter zu den Tweets von Kurt Angle und meinte u.a., dass Kurt Angle nicht der Erfinder des Ankle Locks gewesen sei und dass Ken Shamrock den Ankle Lock bereits vor Zeiten von Kurt Angle genutzt habe:

    "Everythings been done before as far as 'moves' go in the sports entertainment. I want to thank SCSA for the 'Thesz Press'. And I know for a fact that SCSA got the 'Thesz Press' from Dutch Mantel. Point being, instead of taking offense to someone using your move, consider it a sign of respect. Btw does anyone know what Ken Shamrocks finish was? I believe Jack Swagger used ankle lock outta respect for Ken?"

    Danach meldete sich Kurt Angle erneut zu Wort und verkündete, dass sein Twitter-Account gehackt worden sei und er keine Shoot-Tweets in Richtung World Wrestling Entertainment geschrieben habe:

    "To anyone I upset, I am sorry. I didn't watch W-mania last night. I DID get a lot of tweets during Show. About Orton, Swagger,etc.Who cares? I think the whole thing is Halarious. How I upset all of U amazes me.I don't read dirt sheets,but u heard they r upset.They're 'dirt' sheets. I Hope that W-mania was entertaining for all of You, especially 'The Rock'. Oh, and Orton-relax, I won't beat ur ass. You can use my move:). 2 Randy Orton's credit, I Heard He had the best match of the night. Good for You! Btw,I Never used Shamrock's finish while he still wrestled. There's a big difference to using a Finish somebody did b4 U, and is doing while U still Wrestle. The fact is, I don't care. Sorry everybody. Lastly,I just found out somebody hacked into my Twitter account.Most of those tweets weren't from me.I just found out today. I will find out. Who would do this? I don't know why somebody would pretend to be me. I apologize for the remarks. I'm not a twitter guy so I rarely use it. On a side note,Randy and I discussed the Angle Slam.I am happy Orton used my Finish.As he put it,imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Good Luck Randy. Thank You for reaching out to me!!! Remember that Wrestlemania is an Event bigger than all of us. If You enjoyed it, great. That's most important. Social networking is a Bitch."

    Quelle: Twitter / f4wonline

  • Nachdem Kurt Angle gestern behauptete, dass sein Twitter-Account gehackt wurde und er keine Shoots gegen die WWE Superstars getweetet haben soll, shooteten nun Joey Styles und CM Punk zurück.

    Joey Styles schrieb: "I'm watching Jack Swagger apply the Ankle Lock to The King and wondering if anyone's twitter account will be hacked."

    CM Punk schrieb: "My twitter account was hacked", is the new: "I'm a sloppy drunk douche".

    Quelle: f4wonline

  • Sry, aber das fällt mir sehr schwer zu glaube. Der Account von Angle wurde gehackt und der Hacker hat nicht besseres zu tun als sowas zu twittern ? Wie dumm hält Angle uns eigentlich ?

    Vieleicht hat der böse Teufel "Alkohol" sein Account gehackt :D Aber Klasse Antwort von Orton ;)

    Favourite Wrestler:

    1. "Latino Heat" Eddie Guerrero
    2. "The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels
    3. "The Ayatolla Of Rock N Rolla" Y2J Chris Jericho
    4. "The Rabid Wolverine" Chris Benoit
    5. "The King of Kings" Triple H
    6. "The Peoples Champion" The Rock
    7. "The Straight Edge" CM Punk
    8. "The Rated-R Superstar" Edge

  • Auch wenn ich Orton nicht mag so ist seine Antwort gut. Allerdings hat auch die zweite Antwort von Angle was. Ich finde die Übereinkunft gut, dass man aus Respekt vor dem jeweils anderen Wrestler nicht deren F.Move benutzt. Es gibts doch so unendlich viele Moves - das hat doch eigentlich gar niemand nötig. Allerdings kopiert die WWE ja schon seit Jahren Moves ihrer eigenen Leute.
    Ein kleines Beispiel - Peoples Ellbow - Ballin´- Five Nuckle Shuffle.
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