Carter Familie will aus dem Wrestlingbusiness aussteigen - Steht TNA vor dem Verkauf? | Update vom 13.12.2013

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    - WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross published a new blog entry on Here are some highlights:

    Rumors of Billy Corgan buying TNA: "The reported sale of TNA to a seemingly endless list of potential buyers is getting ridiculous. My friend Billy Corgan is 'allegedly' one of the latest suitors for the company who's own backers say isn't for sale. I have it on very good authority that Billy is not in the mix. Is there even a mix?"

    What TNA could use: "TNA could utilize a makeover, for the lack of a better term, and a new approach to their presentation of the product in the opinion of some but that's not an exclusive, TNA issue and is something that many wrestling fans regularly say about other TV wrestling companies."

  • Wie der PWInsider bereits vor wenigen Tagen berichtete, soll Janice Carter, die Mutter von Dixie Carter, ein internes Memo an alle Angestellten von TNA Wrestling herausgegeben haben, in dem sie Gerüchte über einen Verkauf von TNA Wrestling strikt dementiert und klarstellt, dass sie weiterhin hauptverantwortlich für die Company bleiben wird.

    Nun berichtet, dass Janice Carter eine Lügnerin sei und auf dem besagten Memo gelogen habe, da mehrere Quellen innerhalb von TNA Wrestling gegenüber dem Wrestling Observer behauptet haben sollen, dass es aktuell bereits Verhandlungen mit einigen potenziellen Käufern geben würde. Mittlerweile wurde bekannt, dass die bisher gerüchteten potenziellen Käufer, darunter Musiker und Resistance Pro Wrestling Besitzer Billy Corgan, nicht in die Verhandlungen involviert sein sollen.

    Weiter wird berichtet, dass die WWE zwar auch nicht an einem Kauf von TNA Wrestling interessiert sein soll, die WWE Offiziellen das Geschehen um TNA Wrestling jedoch mit sehr großem Interesse genaustens verfolgen, da man unbedingt wissen möchte, wer die Company kauft und wie der aktuelle Status von bestimmten Angestellten wie z.B. Hulk Hogan und Sting ist, an deren Verpflichtung man interessiert ist.

    (Quelle: F4WOnline / LoP)

  • Wenn die gerüchteten Käufer nun alle nicht die realen Interessenten sind, wer käme denn nun in Frage?
    * Wurde SpikeTV gelistet?
    * Tommy Dreamer? - Immerhin ist die Zusammenarbeit mit ihm jetzt vorhanden. Vielleicht folgt eine Übernahme?
    * Shane McM.? - Fände es cool wenn er die Konkurrenz zu Pappa´s / Triple H´s WWE stellen würde.
    * Hogan? - Hätte er die Kohle? Ob das wirklich klug wäre...
    * Roberts? - Er wollte ja einen Spendenaufruf starten... glaube ich nicht dran!
    * Jeff Jarrett? - Mein Fave (neben Shane) wurde aber gelistet und soll nun nicht dazu zählen.
    * Gibts sonst irgendwelche ehemaligen? Oder wirds doch irgendeiner der zuviel Geld hat?
    Denke, am Ende bei dem ganzen Hick Hack, behalten´s die Carter´s doch selbst.

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    Regarding the TNA sale, one group that was rumored to be after the company, which was a name circulated online but never the lead candidate, has pulled out. The group that met with TNA officials a few weeks ago and has been the key party interested is still in play. It feels like a potential sale is cold in the sense nobody knows anything new and nothing has been talked about, and there are no signs of a transition coming. However, the leading group is still in the hunt and talking positively about making the deal. They are looking for complete ownership, and the key, is if they believe the asking price is fair.

    There was some talk about the Carter family wanting to raise capital by selling a percentage and they’d keep majority ownership but the party interested is not looking for a minority interest. Jeff Jarrett, who has picked up a lot of power as of late, would be expected to gain power if this sale takes place, since he’s more than likely involved in getting the deal rolling.

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    - The Tennessean recently published a story featuring quotes from TNA President Dixie Carter. In the article, Dixie denies reports that the company was for sale and discussed rumors of Smashing Punkins' Billy Corgan wanting to buy TNA.

    "Since we have been in business going on 12 years now, this has been an ongoing (speculation), 'Oh, we're going out of business. We're not going to make it,'" Carter said. "Ever since we started, people were taking odds on how long we would last. This last time I think a lot of it was perpetuated by a story that Billy Corgan from Smashing Pumpkins was going to buy it.

    "I texted Billy and I said, 'Oh really, so you're going to buy my company? Are you excited? That's cool.' And he said, 'Oh, don't you love rumors.'"

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    - All talks of a TNA sale have gotten cold in the past two weeks or so. With that said, as recent as a few weeks ago, the lead player in the game, a major celebrity who is not Billy Corgan was still saying he's looking to buy it provided the price was fair and it was a complete ownership.