Andrew "Test" Martin vor Karriereende - Oder etwa doch nicht?

  • Der ehemalige World Wrestling Entertainment, bzw. Total Nonstop Action Wrestling Star Andrew "Test" Martin gab nun in seinem neusten Blog bekannt, dass er seine Karriere im Jahre 2008 definitiv beenden wird. Allem Anschein nach bereits im März nach einer finalen Tour durch Irland.

    Die wichtigsten Ausschnitte haben wir für euch hier:

    "I've talked to my "Better half" and we decided that Ireland will be my "last hurrah."

    "They say nobody retires from wrestling. I can't tell you how much I hate to hear guys say "it's all I know" and keep working long after they should and die or be permanently [sic] disabled. You have to come to terms when you ask yourself what is your health worth? To me? You can't put a price on it! So what are you wrestling for? One man's greed so he might throw you a bone? I loved wrestling, it was good to me. I'm still young, I'm in the shape of my life I've got some money tucked away. I never got into wrestling to be rich and famous."

    "I was told my problem was I never "kissed enough ass." As we all know wrestling is not real and it is very political backstage and as a man I could never bring myself to consort with the people that I didn't care for even if that meant making less money and not getting a world title. The world title is not real but my dignity was and I feel I never comprimised it. I said "no" to Vince a few times which I was told is unheard of and the kiss of death. I personally don't have bad things to say about Vince. I can appreciate what he's done! I wonder what it's like to have everyone [sic] who works for you tell you yes and your ideas are great because they are terrified about losing their job. I will never know nor do I want to."

    "So what now [sic]? Start a real existence. Get married, have some kids, work a normal job (I'm not someone who can sit around, I did it for 8 months there is nothing satisfying about it), maybe get a belly from Babs' cooking but that will be hard to do since I do all the cooking. Their are few guys that can walk away from this business with their health and a little wealth but like I said, "what's your health worth?"

    "Thanks to all my fans and please stay in contact I still love to hear from you. I am at peace.. I have no bad words to say about anything or anyone. That doesn't mean I won't have a few chuckles with "the real boys" at peoples' expense, who I'm sure know who they are."

    Quelle: Rajah

  • Wie Andrew "Test" Martin auf seiner MySpace-Seite bekannt gab, wollte er Ende März mit seiner Karriere aufhören. Dies scheint sich nun wieder geändert zuhaben.

    Demnach soll er nun wieder für Indyshow-Bookings bereit sein. Für Promoter, die ihn Booken wollen, hier die E-Mail Adresse:

    David Herro ist sozusagen der Manager von Andrew Martin.
