Beiträge von SupportIndyWrestling

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    In diesem von mir geführten Interview, geht es in keinster weise um Werbung für anderen Seiten, zudem werden auch keine genannt. Er geht hier nur um den Indy Wrestler Chris Dickinson, der zurzeit einfach einer meiner Lieblinge ist und ich hoffe der ein oder andere kennt ihn ja vielleicht schon ein wenig. Es war mir natürlich ein riesen Ehre dieses Interview mit Ihm zu führen und ich hoffe ihr habt genauso viel Spaß beim lesen wie ich es hatte.
    Before we start with hard-hitting journalism and brutal honesty, let's start on a lighter note: How are you doing today Chris? Any injuries or illnesses plaguing you? Read something funny? Got any questions?

    I'm doing fine. No injuries or physical issues. Body is cooperating just fine on my path to mutant transformation. Funny? The last two days of been hearing nothing but the best news regarding a personal situation I had going on that I have had unanswered questions about for almost a year. Needless to say the news has been fantastic. I feel as splendid as a sex god should.

    You've been trained by a good number of people. Who was the "best" trainer in your opinion, who had the biggest effect on you?

    There's certain trainers have had such a lasting effect for so many reasons. My first trainer though really left the most profound impact on me. He's been a father figure, mentor and one of best friends for 12 years. His name is Magic, a true northeast journeymen that's been working longer than some people reading this been alive. Whenever I gotta talk about anything I go visit him. His advice has gotten me through some shit in my life non wrestling related and wrestling related. He's also trained a ton of guys that made a lot of waves on the scene for many years out of the japw school back in early 2000s. Definitely aside from him I'd have to say Little Guido was an unbelievable trainer, he really helped refine a lot of things and do shit the right way. Quackenbush was alot of fun to work with when I was 16,17. Nobody had more of an impact on performing than Steamboat bar none. You can figure that out for yourself. Hearing Steamboat explain the methods to his work was like getting an acting lesson from Robert DeNiro. Unbelievable.

    You have worked now for many indy Companies, including CZW and Evolve, which wrestlers have you enjoyed working with the most? Are there any "Dream" opponents out there, i would love to fight in the near future?

    As far as opponents i lovr them all. Unless you absolutely blow balls chances are i have enjoyed working with you. I apparently cannot work for any czw shows for a while due to a fan attempting to jump the guard rail and fight me so I spit in his face and welcomed him so I'm considered an insurance liability. That's cool I guess I'm too ultra violent for czw but my cup of coffee there was nice I definitely like the vibe there am looking forward to going back and pissin somebody else off. Obviously my favorite place to work is beyond wrestling. Been with it since day one and helped it become what it is now. Last live show was absolutely off the hook, looking forward to the future there. I love isw as well that is something I greatly look forward to. Japw was the best when it was still around. Evolve was a great learning experience. As far as dream opponents?? Super Dragon needs to get out of retirement so I can fight his ass, after years of hearing so much shit being compared to Low Ki, I'd love to Powerbomb him off the new World Trade Center but i hear he's done now. I need to have a singles match with Dan Maff ASAP. He's one of my favorite wrestlers to this day and someone I consider a mentor. While we're at it gimmie a singles with Mack and I would love to sneak one in with Homicide too. All them cats were the gods of the northeast when I was coming up. I'd love to wrestle Kenta, Go Shiozaki. There's so many. I'd wrestle Ric Flairs old busted ass all day!! And Awesome Bomb him repeatedly! Oh and If Combat Zone Wrestling can dig up Zandig i'd love to defile him on a CZW show. I never bought the hype!

    Well that "Fan Interaction" at CZW New Heights was definitively fun to watch, probably not for him though. You spoke about Beyond Wrestling, i remember that headline "Dickinson Threatens Fans with his Ass", would you describe yourself as a "Dick" when it comes it down to the wrestling?

    Absolutely I'm just a real miserable bastard in general.

    Exactly the answer we all hoped to hear. Now let's get back to "professionalism". What would conisder your biggest victory in your career so far?

    Returning to the ring after being out for almost two years and rediscovering my love and passion for it. I really thought I was done for a little while. My desire was shot and I was focused on other things which in reality was the best thing that happened to me but all in all returning has been the best. I have more fun than ever and have been able to find a positive balance between wrestling and reality.

    The "internet fan" has become a vocal, if small, minority of wrestling fans. Do you read the newsboards/etc? What do people in the business generally think about the "smart marks"?

    No I just hear stuff passed on from others sometimes. I think a lot of workers hate them honestly. I don't think they're terrible. They really like what they like just like anything else. Obviously people that have no right to say shit love to judge and point fingers about how wrestling works but they feel entitled because they support it and are paying customers on some level. It's understood. Maybe some fans dig me maybe some don't it doesn't really bother me. It's like me going off about something about football like for example the cornerback situation with the giants last season. Oh fuck this fuck that this guy blows blah blah. True is I ain't playin corner for the giants so I really can't say shit but we all do anyways!

    Don't tell me you're a Giants Fan? You're getting more and more sympathic if that's the case!!!

    Haha I am a really big football fan in general but I grew up a new york giants fan for sure! It's not sympathetic, it's just realistic! These people are generally the nerdier types, love to argue and compare things. And play favorites just like anyone else. Weaker people just feel like they have some sort of power sitting behind a computer or phone screen typing their feelings out on a public forum. They don't realize that people living in reality are usually laughing at how pathetic they are. It's easy to hate something, harder to try and understand it. Wrestling has many flavors and styles and things to offer!Just like any other art form fans should open their eyes more to the bigger picture.

    And that would bring me straight to my next question as you use different fight styles in your wrestling matches, for example Mixed Martial Arts moves have become regular in your matches. You clearly use them as some sort of an "advantage", but what brought you to use these different fight styles for your Arsenal?

    I grew up training in martial arts since I was 5 years old. Case closed end of story. Ain't no cashing in on some mma craze shit or trying to be like low ki. Just who I am Is deeply rooted in martial arts. That will always be a part of how I legitimately handle myself and my wrestling style as well!

    We now learned that you're into Football, MMA & wrestling, beside these things, how does Chris Dickinson spend his well earned free time?

    I work full time in the private security field. If you ever need a good bodyguard let me know. I love training in the gym and eating. Spending time with my almost three year old maniac niece. Chillin with my dog. I don't have many close friends but I do enjoy spending time with them when possible. Everyone has responsibilities now it's harder getting old. Not into drinking or drugs. I love spending days at theme parks and on the beach. I love to go shopping too. That's a new one and maybe not a good one either haha. Other than that I am real laid back when I'm not working im all about relaxing. I look more forward to wrestling shows now more than ever. I do follow football religiously, right now is the best time to be a fan all the camps are going and pre season starts soon. MMA wise I am way more into the older UFC, pride, pancrase, K1. Haven't really kept up to date or followed in a long time. I love watching x files re runs when I can. Strangely I hardly ever watch wrestling at all lmao. I love spending mornings in my grandmas house eating pancakes and French toast the most.

    Speaking of your grandma, what does your family actually think about your career choice?

    Well I've been talking about being a wrestler since I was literally a child so they are all very comfortable with that. As far as it all go's they never stopped me or looked down on my choices but winning their approval and moral and emotional support came when I finally had results to show for the years of hard work and dedication and dreaming out loud. I think they watched me pursue it with everything I had and whenever you watch someone love something as much as I've loved wrestling you have no choice but to understand and support it. Getting hurt was obviously a big blow to them but If it wasn't for my my mother, my grandmother and especially my sister it would of been so much more emotionally difficult. Recovery and rehab from surgery was the worst. I'll never forget my mom was as disappointed as I was that things had to stop at the time because I worked so hard for it. But honestly it all worked out in the long run.

    Where do you see yourself in the next one to five years? Dreaming about making it to one of the "major" Federations?

    Honestly no. I think about it sometimes just because it's thrown in my face constantly that i have 'the look' and what it takes and can talk and blah blah blah!!! That's fine and wonderful but it's not particularly a road I want to travel on. Sadly the dream I had hardly exists any longer the way the business is in 2013! I honestly never had the grand become a 'superstar' wwf dream everybody has. I wanted to be the all japan triple crown champion and go to war with the kenta kobashi's of the world at the Nippon budokan or something alone those lines. The whole job system of the wwe really just makes me dislike wrestling more and more not like they haven't been doing that to me for years already! I am about to turn 26. I don't want to be 30 getting released from developmental or tv and in the same position I was in basically as a 18 year old kid. I put a lot of emphasis on having a fallback and a real career because I've seen myself what putting all your eggs in one basket can do to you in this business. There's not many ways at all to make real serious money and not be on tv so I guess I'm shit outa luck!! It's cool though I'm not complaining. And when I say serious money I mean serious fucking dough.

    Go for TNA, you could get atleast One Gutcheck Segment before getting released!

    You couldn't fucking pay me to work for Tna in steaks to get me to wrestle there. They make an absolute mockery of it and I personally could care less about them. My sicilian ass can't even keep a steady booking at czw for pissin people off you think I'll find work at Tna lmfao. Fuck that! Just not what I'm about.

    Again totally understable. Now i think the next question will be probably interest our readers the most, if you.. if Chris Dickinson could give an advice to a person who was thinking about training to become a professional wrestler, what would you tell him?

    Do it because you absolutely love this and want to do it. You will be tried, tested and broken many times. You need to be able to feed off a ton of negative energy and use it to drive you harder and harder. Respect the veterans that's for sure unless they are total cock suckers. You will learn a lesson from EVERYONE. Biggest thing is as hard as it will be don't let people take advantage of you. Have a voice and give a fuck about things that you see that you don't like. There is way too many yes men and putrid pussies infesting the business. Be the difference you wanna see!

    Now i would acutally love to play a little word association game! I say a word and you answer with the first thing that would came to your mind, are you down for that?

    Sure absolutely!

    Beyond Wrestling?


    CM Punk?


    Combat Zone Wrestling?

    One of the longest running companies with a very dedicated fan base. Looking forward to going back when they ready to let Daddy do his thing.


    Pretty cool guy

    Ring Of Honor?

    A shell of it's former self.

    Chris Dickinson aka Paco Loco?

    My backyard name!!! So many guys backyard name. Paco Loco fucked people up alot worse than Chris Dickinson ever did. Ask Pinkie Sanchez he watched some of the old tapes in shock!!


    Very good interview! No Awesome Bomb for you.

    With that being said, you got any final Words for your Fans/Supporters?

    Suck me!

    Actually saw that coming, but couldn't avoid it! Damn it! Anyway, thank you very much for participating in this interview Chris Dickinson! We hope the year 2013, will be the year of "Too Ultraviolence for CZW" Chris Dickinson.

    Nahahahaha whatever!!!! No problem dude!