Update zum WWE United Kingdom Championship Tournament: Infos zu den Talent-Verträgen

Veröffentlicht am 29. Dezember 2016 um 22:08 Uhr von WrestlingCorner in der Kategorie: WWE-News.

WrestlingCorner.de berichtete bereits, dass die WWE mit dem WWE United Kingdom Championship Titel im Januar 2017 einen neuen Titel einführen wird, welcher in einem zweitägigen Turnier am Samstag, den 14. Januar 2017 und Sonntag, den 15. Januar 2017 in Blackpool, England ausgekämpft und live auf dem WWE Network übertragen werden soll.

In einem Update berichtet Dave Meltzer in der aktuellen Ausgabe vom Wrestling Observer Newsletter, dass alle Talente, die am WWE United Kingdom Championship Tournament teilnehmen, einen Ein-Jahres-Vertrag bei der WWE unterzeichnet haben und während dieser Zeit 16.000 Pfund (ca. 20.000 US-Dollar) verdienen.

Nachfolgend der Auszug aus dem Wrestling Observer Newsletter:

‚The wrestlers from the U.K. who just signed WWE contracts for the tournament on 1/14 and 1/15 in Blackpool, England, live on the WWE Network, signed one-year deals for 16,000 pounds or roughly $20,000 U.S. Several of the wrestlers that were signed told Wrestle Culture Pro Wrestling that they had been told they could no longer work for the promotion after 1/15. When William Regal came to the U.K., he specifically talked about no restrictions on where the talent could work, but we knew that the contracts specified the obvious like TNA or ROH, and there was no way the guys would be able to work for the ITV group, since, even though WWE says the opposite publicly, the key to this thing being done was an attempt to stop the ITV group. Wrestle Culture doesn’t have regular television. They have television tapings for an Internet show and have spent huge money for people like Kurt Angle, Jim Ross, Alberto El Patron and others. The promotions that Paul Levesque talked about when he was there that they would work with included Progress and Revolution Pro, and they sent Finn Balor to ICW and OTT, so there is a relationship there as well.‘

(Quelle: Wrestling Observer Newsletter)

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