Austin Aries & Ethan Carter III sprechen sich gegen künftige Verwendung vom Six-Sided Ring aus

Veröffentlicht am 19. Juni 2014 um 11:22 Uhr von WrestlingCorner in der Kategorie: TNA-News. berichtete bereits gestern, dass die Fans via Umfrage auf entscheiden können, ob TNA Wrestling beginnend mit den IMPACT Wrestling TV Tapings New York City in der kommenden Woche, weiterhin den Four-Sided Ring oder wieder dauerhaft den alten Six-Sided Ring verwenden wird.

Hierzu äußerten sich Austin Aries & Ethan Carter III nun via Twitter und gaben bekannt, dass sie kein Fan vom Six-Sided Ring sind und den Four-Sided Ring bevorzugen.

Austin Aries:

„So the people who don’t wrestle are letting people who don’t wrestle decide what I have to wrestle in? Great idea. My body, my vote. #4sides“

„What’s wrong with wrestling? Letting people who’ve never done it, and never put their bodies on the line, run the show. #DoesntWork #4sides“

„Please understand, I DO think the fans voices should be heard, and I’m all for an interactive experience, BUT I’m not sure this is the appropriate place for it, nor do I feel the potential risk outweighs the potential benefit for the wrestlers.“

„For those curious, I find #6sides to be far less forgiving on the body and harder to maneuver around, especially on the top rope. #4sides“

„Guess I accomplished stirring up some debate on #4sides or #6sides. We all have opinions, and I shared mine from a different perspective.“

„Please don’t misinterpret #6sides as unsafe or dangerous. Decision makers at @IMPACTWRESTLING would never put us in that position. #4sides“

Ethan Carter III:

„This is why democracy doesn’t work. You people should not have a voice when it comes to my well-being and safety. #Traditional #4sides“

(Quelle: Twitter)

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