Dixie Carter begeht großen Fehler auf Twitter / Jeff Hardy will seine Karriere bei WWE beenden / TNA nimmt „Kriegshelden“ unter Vertrag

Veröffentlicht am 31. Juli 2014 um 9:35 Uhr von WrestlingCorner in der Kategorie: TNA-News.

– TNA Präsidentin Dixie Carter beging auf Twitter einen großen Fehler und bezeichnete die amtierenden TNA World Tag Team Champions The Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards) im Rahmen des Hypes um „Destination X“ fälschlicherweise als X-Division Tag Team Champions: „Who do YOU want to see as the #XDivision Tag Team Champs? @RichardsWesley and @TheEddieEdwards OR @MATTHARDYBRAND and @JEFFHARDYBRAND?“ Dies ist jedoch nicht der erste Fehler von Dixie Carter innerhalb weniger Tage: Erst vor kurzem hypte Dixie Carter das heutige IMPACT Wrestling: Destination X Special als Ultimate X Special. 

– TNA Wrestler Jeff Hardy hat nun in einem Interview mit Brian Fritz of BetweenTheRopes.com angedeutet, dass er ähnlich wie Kurt Angle gerne seine Wrestlingkarriere bei der WWE beenden würde: „From time to time I’ll turn on Raw and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss the WWE Universe man, because they, what a … the crowds. When I watch, it hurts a little bit. I’m going ‘oh man, that’s my creatures man, my fans’. They’ve supported me so much. And even on the Instagram posts that’s all I ever see. ‘Go back to WWE. You said you’d come back. It’s never forever, it’s just for now’. I mean, ultimately, when the time is right, who knows. But I started there and whether it’s 10, 15 years down the road I would like to end there.“

– Wie TNA Wrestling nun offiziell auf IMPACTWRESTLING.com verkündet hat, hat die Company den „Kriegshelden“ Chris Melendez mit einem mehrjährigen Vertrag ausgestattet. Chris Melendez wird sein IMPACT Wrestling Debüt bei den in der kommenden Woche anstehenden IMPACT Wrestling New York City TV-Tapings vom 05. bis 07. August 2014 feiern:

TNA Wrestling Signs American War Hero Chris Melendez to Multi-Year Agreement

TNA Wrestling is happy to announce the signing of a true American hero! Chris Melendez is a former Army Sergeant, who served his country in Afghanistan and was awarded a Purple Heart. Because of injuries suffered in combat, the brave soldier returned home a single leg amputee. Melendez, a member of the Wounded Warrior Project, had another dream to realize when he returned home. He dreamed of becoming a pro wrestler.

Chris’ remarkable story begins as a kid growing up in Spanish Harlem. His grandmother introduced him to professional wrestling at a young age and, ever since, he has been hooked.

“The ability to captivate an audience without having to say any words is what got me hooked.”

Inspired by his father, a Vietnam Vet, and compelled by the events of September 11, Chris joined the U.S. Army at the young age of 17. At age 19, and with only 23 days of his Iraq deployment remaining, he sustained horrifying life-threatening injuries from an IED.

“When I was able to open my eyes after the explosion I looked across the battlefield to see what I thought was a fellow-soldier in need of help. I quickly realized it was my leg.”

After being resuscitated three times and enduring numerous emergency surgeries and procedures, Melendez’s long road of recovery took him to Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. Through pure grit and determination, cutting edge science and technology delivered via the VA, and support from friends, family and The Wounded Warrior Project, Melendez was walking with a prosthetic within 40 days.

In 2012, Melendez entered Team 3D Academy of Professional Wrestling in Florida where he trained day-in and day-out under the tutelage of Bully Ray and Devon. Now, TNA Wrestling can announce the signing of Chris Melendez to a multi-year contract.

Still known in the locker room as “Sarge”, Melendez is set to make his debut for the company during the August 5-7 tapings at New York City’s legendary Manhattan Center. 


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