Hulk Hogan lobt Garett Bischoff / Eric Bischoff äußert sich über Jeff Hardy

Veröffentlicht am 1. Dezember 2011 um 17:08 Uhr von Tobias in der Kategorie: TNA-News.

– Hulk Hogan hat nun via Twitter Garett Bischoff in den höchsten Tönen gelobt: „Taping again in Orlando,Garrett seems to have found the magic,I only hope it rubs off on some of the other numbskulls. HH“

– Eric Bischoff hat sich via Twitter sehr positiv über Jeff Hardy geäußert: „Very impressed with the way Jeff Hardy is handling himself. Taken responsibilty, changed his life and is 100% professional. I doubted Jeff. Not anymore. Admire him for having the balls to overcome his issues and raise his game.“

Quelle: Twitter

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