Scott Hall erneut im Krankenhaus

  • Wie f4wonline berichtet, soll sich Scott Hall aktuell wieder in einem Krankenhaus befinden, da er sich kürzlich einer Operation an seinem Herzen unterzogen hat, wo ihm ein Herzschrittmacher eingesetzt wurde.

    Laut aktuellen Informationen soll es ihm den Umständen entsprechend gut gehen. Dies wurde nun durch Sid Vicious in einem Interview mit bestätigt. Sid sagte über Scott Hall folgendes:

    "His condition is this, I think everybody knows a little about, he just received a little thing in his heart where it monitors his heart beat and if it gets too low it kicks his heart back in because of some of the medication he has been on and because of this heart deal he has been having a few seizures. That is why he has been in the hospital the last couple of days. One thing is he has told me and the people around him, I forgot how many hits he had for his birthday, those things right there. Those are the things that people like me and Scott, of all the things I cherish in this business are things like that…I know all the comments and all the great feedback he got for his birthday and about his condition has been good. I hope people keep that up."

    Quelle: f4wonline