Vickie Guerrero deutet Schwangerschaft via Twitter an / Triple H würde The Ultimate Warrior zurück in die WWE bringen

  • - Vickie Guerrero hat heute via Twitter angedeutet, dass Michelle McCool, ehemalige WWE Diva und Ehefrau von The Undertaker, schwanger sei: "My surprise party was flawless for Michelle McCool!!! Great lunch with friends and family. Im so excited for her bundle of joy!"

    - In einem Interview mit "Los Angeles Times" hat Triple H verraten, dass er nach seiner Squash Match Niederlage gegen The Ultimate Warrior bei WrestleMania XII, dem Ultimate Warrior jederzeit einen "One Day Contract" anbieten könnte, um ihn bei einer kommenden WrestleMania in einem Squash Match ebenfalls zu besiegen und somit seine Rache für den damaligen blamablen Squash zu bekommen: "It's funny, a lot of people bring that up in a negative way like it was this terrible thing in my life. While working with him personally wasn’t the highlight of my life from a business standpoint, for me to go to me first WrestleMania and wrestle a legendary figure in the business -- and that is what he was and is -- like the Ultimate Warrior, a Hall of Fame superstar in the business in my first WrestleMania appearance, squash or not, was a mind blowing thing for me. I was thrilled to be in that position and to have that match with the Ultimate Warrior. I was thrilled with the fact that at that time Vince McMahon was willing to put me in that role. The Ultimate Warrior wasn’t there till the day of the show, so I had to do all the promotion for that match. I wanted Vince McMahon to look at me as a guy he could count on to handle the return of a guy that he was hoping would be a huge impact on the business. He had the trust in me and I would do a good job with it. So to me, that was nothing but a good experience. Potentially, I could bring him back and get the win."

    (Quelle: f4wonline)

  • Ich hatte mal ne Zeit, in der ich wie besessen an meinem Englisch feilte und mir täglich etliche Wörter online übersetzt habe um flüssig sprechen zu können. Respekt. Den Begriff "Bundle Of Joy" (Wonneproppen) habe ich noch nie von einem Ami in freier Wildbahn gelesen bisher. Vielleicht meinte Vickie ja den großen, glatzköpfigen Wonneproppen mit der künstlichen Hüfte.

    DreiZweiAcht - Miztah D! - Wrestlingcorner Veteran