Enzo Amore und Big Cass mit seperaten Backstage Heat

  • Sowohl Enzo Amore, als auch Big Cass, kämpfen zur Zeit mit Backstage Heat im WWE Lockerroom.
    Allerdings aus verschiedenen Gründen:


    WWE star has backstage heat, gets kicked off talent bus by Roman Reigns
    It’s pretty clear that Roman Reigns is considered to be the new locker room leader after a recent incident on the talent bus where he took charge of a situation that had several people upset.

    According to a report in the latest Wrestling Observer newsletter, Enzo Amore has a lot of heat on him. The details of what happened are not out but, several weeks ago, there was an incident that got so many people upset that it led to Reigns kicking him off the talent bus. He was also given the “Miz treatment” for a while. Basically, that means that he was not allowed to dress with everyone else in the locker room.

    Apparently, the tears shed during his promo last week before Cass turned on him again were real because he was said to be legitimately not happy about the team being broken up. Also, the part of the promo where he talked about his real life is better than his family life could be seen as something as a shoot because he is not living in Los Angeles and having a great time in his non-wrestling life. Judging by his Instagram page, he seems to be having the time of his life in L.A. and meeting with athletes and celebrities like Daniel Cormier, Nick Diaz, Halle Berry, Drake and others in recent weeks. I guess this news about him having heat could explain why he was squashed at Great Balls Of Fire and why he was absent from Raw.


    WWE star has heat over his political views and strong support for Donald Trump
    Yet, another WWE star has heat with the locker room. This time it’s Big Cass, according to the Wrestling Observer newsletter.

    The heat on him is particularly because of his views on politics as he is a strong supporter of Donald Trump and that’s a sentiment not shared by many in the locker room. The heat on him is nowhere near the heat on Enzo Amore (click here for more on that story) and Cass is someone that has the support of management and his size and look will allow him more chances to break through as a top star. Also, having heat with talent in the locker room is not going to hurt his push. Linda McMahon is part of the Trump administration so being a Trump supporter might actually be seen as a positive in the eyes of Vince McMahon.

    The promo he gave on Monday looks to be the start of his ascension up the ranks. Although he is still green in the ring, I give him credit for cutting the best promo of his career last Monday. The match with Enzo Amore appears to be “one-and-done” as they have already begun a program between Cass and Big Show. In fact, Enzo was nowhere to be seen on Monday night. Although Big Show was the aggressor in their first face to face confrontation on last week’s episode of Monday Night Raw, Cass will probably win in the end since Show’s contract expires in February and they have big plans for Cass. In recent interviews, Cass has been saying that his goal is to eventually be in the main event of a WrestleMania.

    (Quelle: Wrestlingnews.co)

  • Zitat

    The heat on him is particularly because of his views on politics as he is a strong supporter of Donald Trump and that’s a sentiment not shared by many in the locker room.

    Haben die Kollegen nichts besseres zu tun? Erstens hat es die Jungs überhaupt nicht zu interessieren welche politischen Ansichten Cass hat, und zweitens sollte man vielleicht nicht für die McMahons arbeiten, wenn man es so unerträglich findet von Trump Supporters umgeben zu sein.

  • Haben die Kollegen nichts besseres zu tun? Erstens hat es die Jungs überhaupt nicht zu interessieren welche politischen Ansichten Cass hat, und zweitens sollte man vielleicht nicht für die McMahons arbeiten, wenn man es so unerträglich findet von Trump Supporters umgeben zu sein.

    Ähm, also bitte. Würde ein offener Rassist, Sexist oder o.ä. täglich neben mir im Büro sitzen dann fände ich das auch unerträglich. Ob ich jetzt einen Sozialisten oder Neoliberalisten neben mir sitzen habe ist mir egal, unterschiedliche politische Meinungen muss man tolerieren können, aber solche Ansichten liegen weit außerhalb des Rahmens von Demokratie und Menschenrechten. Braucht mir auch keiner erzählen Trump würde diese Ansichten nicht geradeheraus repräsentieren. Ich denke die wenigsten Leute im Lockerroom hätten ein Problem mit Cass wenn er einfach nur Republikaner wäre...

    Die Situation mit den McMahons sehe ich genauso problematisch aber da ist das große Problem die Alternativlosigkeit für Berufswrestler. Willst du ein geregeltes, akzeptables Einkommen, dann kommst du um die WWE nicht herum. Ist wie Profifußball mit der Fifa. Die Pille muss man schlucken, aber einen ekelhaften Mitarbeiter muss man nicht respektieren und schon gar nicht mögen.