SHIMMER Sammelthread ("Volume 91" Results vom 01.04.2017)

  • SHIMMER Volume 15

    Eden Black besiegt Amber O' Neal

    Portia Perez & Nicole Matthews besiegen Lorelei Lee & Ashley Lane

    Jetta besiegt Serena Deeb

    Allison Danger besiegt Cindy Rogers

    Cheerleader Melissa besiegt Alexa Thatcher

    The Minnesota Home Wrecking Crew (Lacey & Rain) besiegen Ariel & Josie

    The Experience (Lexie Fyfe & Malia Hosaka) besiegen Ms Chif & Daffney

    Sarah Stock besiegt Daizee Haze

    Sara Del Rey besiegt Amazing Kong


    SHIMMER Volume 16

    Lorelei Lee besiegt Amber O' Neal

    Cindy Rogers besiegt Daffney

    Ariel & Josie besiegen Portia Perez & Nicole Matthews

    Alexa Thatcher besiegt Ashley Lane

    The Experience (Lexie Fyfe & Malia Hosaka) besiegen Allison Danger & Serena Deeb

    Six Woman Tag Team Match
    Daizee Haze, Eden Black & Ms Chif besiegen The Minnesota Home Wrecking Crew (Lacey & Rain) & Jetta

    Amazing Kong besiegt Cheerleader Melissa

    2-out-of-3-Falls Match
    Sara Del Rey besiegt Sarah Stock


    "DVD Volume 17"
    26.04.08 - Berwyn, Illinois, USA

    Internet Only Match

    Allison Danger besiegte Kat Powers

    Volume 17 DVD Tapings

    Tag Team Match
    Rain & Jetta besiegten Jennifer Blake & Danyah

    Shark Girl besiegte Nicole Matthews

    Tag Team Match
    The Experience (Hosaka & Fyfe) besiegten Ashley Lane & Nevaeh

    Amber O'Neill besiegte Loralei Lee

    Daizee Haze besiegte Cindy Rogers

    Ariel besiegte Amazing Kong

    Mercedes Martinez besiegte Wesna

    Sarah Stock besiegte Lacey

    Tag Team Match
    Cheerleader Melissa & MsChif besiegten Allison Danger & Sara Del Rey


    "DVD Volume 18"
    26.04.08 - Berwyn, Illinois, USA

    Shark Girl besiegte Amber O'Neill

    Nicole Matthews besiegte Loralei Lee

    Daizee Haze besiegte Jetta

    Tag Team Match
    The Experience (Hosaka & Fyfe) besiegten Blake & Danyah

    Ariel besiegte Kat Powers

    Mercedes besiegte Cindy Rogers

    Tag Team Match
    Ashley Lane & Nevaeh besiegten The Minnesota Home Wrecking Crew (Lacey & Rain)

    Amazing Kong besiegte Wesna

    Cheerleader Melissa besiegte Sarah Stock

    SHIMMER Championship
    MsChif besiegte Sara Del Rey (c) ---> TITELWECHSEL!!!

    - Wie auf dem SHIMMER Message Board berichtet wird brach sich Allison Danger zudem ihr Schlüsselbein.


  • SHIMMER Women Athletes kündigte nun offiziell einen neuen und vor kurzem erst abgeschlossenen Vertrag zwischen TNA und der Ladies Promotion an. Demnach werden TNA Knockouts, die fest unter Vertrag stehen, auch in der Zukunft bei SHIMMER antreten dürfen. Dies allerdings nur solange die DVDs über das Internet und nicht in Geschäften im ganzen Land vertrieben werden.

    Sobald SHIMMER die DVDs offiziell auch außerhalb des Internets, bzw. Wrestlingshows anbietet, werden keinerlei TNA Knockouts auf der DVD zu sehen sein. Dies ist vertraglich geregelt. Natürlich bedeutet dies auch gleichzeitig, dass es nur in der ersten Auflage der jeweiligen DVDs die kompletten Shows zu sehen gibt. Im Laden stehen sogenannte "Compilation DVDs".

    Quelle: Gerweck, SHIMMER

    "Vol. 19"
    05.07.08 - Berwyn, Illinois (Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika)

    #1-Contender Match (SHIMMER Title) - Battle Royal
    Jetta besiegte Portia Perez, Serena Deeb, Jennifer Blake, Nicole Matthews, Shark Girl, Cat Power, LuFisto, Veronika Vice, Ariel, Rain, Lorelei Lee, Cheerleader Melissa, Nevaeh, Sara Del Rey, Allison Danger, Danyah, Ashley Lane, Amazing Kong, Mercedes Martinez und Nikki Roxx

    Portia Pérez besiegte Shark Girl

    Serena Deeb besiegte Danyah

    Ashley Lane und Neveah besiegten Kat Powers und Veronika Vice

    Awesome Kong besiegte Lorelei Lee

    Nikki Roxx besiegte Nicole Matthews

    Allison Danger besiegte Jennifer Blake

    LuFisto besiegte Rain

    Sara del Rey besiegte Ariel

    Mercedes Martínez besiegte Cheerleader Melissa

    SHIMMER Title Match
    MsChif (c) besiegte Jetta


    "Vol. 20"
    05.07.08 - Berwyn, Illinois (Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika)

    Shark Girl besiegte Veronika Vice

    Portia Pérez und Nicole Matthews besiegten Allison Danger und Jennifer Blake

    Awesome Kong besiegte Danyah

    Kat Powers besiegte Daffney

    Jetta und Rain besiegten Ashley Lane und Neveah

    Ariel besiegte Nikki Roxx

    Sara del Rey besiegte Serena Deeb

    Cheerleader Melissa besiegte LuFisto

    SHIMMER Title Match
    MsChif (c) besiegte Mercedes Martínez


  • SHIMMER: DVD Taping Vol. 21
    19. Oktober 2008
    Berwyn, Illinois, USA

    Sara Del Rey besiegte Serena Deeb

    Miss Natural besiegte Lorelei Lee

    Daffney besiegte Cat Power

    Nikki Roxx besiegte Danyah

    Wesna besiegte Amber O'Neal

    SHIMMER Tag Team Championship - Vakant - Six Way Gauntlet Match
    Ashley Lane & Nevaeh besiegten The Suicide Blondes (LuFisto & Jennifer Blake), The Canadian Ninjas (Portia Perez & Nicole Matthews), The Pink Ladies (Madison Eagles & Jessie McKay), The International Home Wrecking Crew (Rain & Jetta) & The Experience (Lexie Fyfe & Malia Hosaka) ---> TITELWECHSEL!!!
    - The Canadian Ninjas (Portia Perez & Nicole Matthews) besiegten The Pink Ladies (Madison Eagles & Jessie McKay)
    - The Suicide Blondes (LuFisto & Jennifer Blake) besiegten The Canadian Ninjas (Portia Perez & Nicole Matthews)
    - The International Home Wrecking Crew (Rain & Jetta) besiegten The Suicide Blondes (LuFisto & Jennifer Blake)
    - Ashley Lane & Nevaeh besiegten The International Home Wrecking Crew (Rain & Jetta)
    - Ashley Lane & Nevaeh besiegten The Experience (Lexie Fyfe & Malia Hosaka)

    No. 1 Contender @ SHIMMER Championship - Four Way Dance
    Ariel besiegte Cheerleader Melissa, Mercedes Martinez & Amazing Kong

    SHIMMER Championship
    MsChif (c) besiegte Daizee Haze


    SHIMMER: DVD Taping Vol. 22
    19. Oktober 2008
    Berwyn, Illinois, USA

    Rain besiegte Daffney

    Danyah besiegte Cat Power

    Amazing Kong besiegte Rachel Summerlyn

    The Experience (Lexie Fyfe & Malia Hosaka) besiegten The Pink Ladies (Madison Eagles & Jessie McKay)

    Mercedes Martinez besiegte Amber O'Neal

    Cheerleader Melissa besiegte Jennifer Blake

    Daizee Haze besiegte Miss Natural

    Jetta besiegte Nikki Roxx

    SHIMMER Tag Team Championship
    Ashley Lane (c) & Nevaeh (c) besiegten The Canadian Ninjas (Portia Perez & Nicole Matthews)

    LuFisto besiegte Wesna

    SHIMMER Championship
    MsChif (c) besiegte Ariel


  • Die US-Amerikanische Top Wrestling Promotion SHIMMER ließ erst bei den vergangenen DVD Tapings am 19. Oktober 2008 in Berwyn, Illinois, USA die neuen SHIMMER Tag Team Championship Belts in einem Gauntlet Match auskämpfen. Siegreich war dabei das Team bestehend aus Nevaeh und Ashley Lane, beide neben SHIMMER Regulars auch Regulars bei Insanity Pro Wrestling.

    Bei eben jener Promotion findet nun die allererste Titelverteidigung der SHIMMER Tag Team Champinship Belts überhaupt außerhalb eines SHIMMER Rings statt: Die Championship Titelträgerinnen müssen die Gürtel bei "Insane Intantions" am 01. November 2008 in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA gegen Sassy Stephie und Hellena Heavenly verteidigen.

    Quelle: Gerweck

  • Die US-Amerikanische Ladies Kult-Promotion SHIMMER Women Athletes feiert aktuell Geburtstag: Am gestrigen 06. November 2008 wurde die Company offiziell 3 Jahre alt, veranstaltete man den allerersten Event doch exakt vor drei Jahren in Berwyn, Illinois, USA in Form eines Double-Headers: Die DVD Tapings zu "SHIMMER Vol. 1" und "SHIMMER Vol. 2" wurden abgehalten.

    In den Main Events standen dabei bereits vor drei Jahren große Namen: Während Vol. 1 von einem Singles Match zwischen den Dauerrivalen Daizee Haze und der mittlerweile vom Wrestling zurückgetretenen Lacey geheadlined wurde, präsentierte man bei Vol. 2 einen Four Way Dance unter Elimination Rules zwischen Sara Del Rey, welche letzten Endes via Pinfall über Daizee Haze auch den Sieg einfahren konnte, Mercedes Martinez, Lacey und Daizee Haze.

    Dave Prazak verfasste auf Grund des Geburtstags einen längeren Text zu SHIMMER, welcher anbei zu finden ist. Fett markiert ist eine Äußerung über die aus Deutschland bekannte Wesna.

    "Today is November 6, 2008.

    It's been three years since the debut SHIMMER event.

    It has become a bit of a tradition that with each passing year that this company has been in existence, I extend a huge thank you to every individual who has made it possible along the way. Many of those people have been a part of this project from the very beginning, and have remained a part of the team for a solid three years now, contributing in their own way to making a serious United States based entirely female professional wrestling promotion a success.

    When we ran our first show, there was no way I would have expected to one day be celebrating three years of producing both a DVD product for the fans, and also providing a platform for the most talented women wrestlers to show what they're made of to an audience which will appreciate their efforts.

    When we founded SHIMMER in late 2005, it was a risk. Honestly, it still is, as we only continue to remain in operation on a show to show basis. It is through the financial support of our dedicated fan base that we are able to continue to do what we do. The first, and biggest "thank you" of all, goes to every fan who has spent their hard earned money on tickets to our live events or our DVD releases.

    Particularly right now, given the state of the economy, in combination with wrestling's general low level of current popularity, it means a great deal to us that you are still willing to throw your support behind our product financially. We realize that the public doesn't have much money right now to spend on such things as professional wrestling, but we greatly value your dedication to our crew. It is the way that all small wrestling companies are able to remain in business right now. Thank you!

    My second "thank you" goes out to our entire roster of women athletes who have put their physical well being on the line during our three years thus far, for the sake of giving you your money's worth and breaking the stereotype that women in this part of the world cannot deliver in the ring. To date, fifty-one female wrestlers have competed in the SHIMMER ring, and I personally appreciate the contributions of each and every one of them. To SHIMMER's women athletes, I thank you!

    Of course, there are dozens of individuals who make SHIMMER possible who you never see inside the ring, or on camera. So many people are responsible for bringing our live events to fruition, particularly Danny Daniels and everyone at AAW in Berwyn. The shows can only be captured on camera with the assistance of our cameramen Mike Robles, Jesse Irwin, Dave Puente, and Michael Z. That footage can only translate to DVD through the efforts of Puente's editing skills and being willing to tolerate my demands in the production studio when it comes to the final DVD product. Those DVDs can only be manufactured and get to you through the assistance of Sal Hamaoui at the World Wrestling Network, everyone in the office at Ring of Honor, and the staff of Big Vision Entertainment. We only have a presence online with the help of, the contributing staff to our web site, plus Nick Andrews' music videos for YouTube, and everyone who posts across cyberspace to help spread the word about what we are doing. To everyone who has helped contribute to producing our DVD series, delivering that product to the wrestling fans, and making it known to fellow fans that we exist, thank you!

    When I look back at these three years of SHIMMER, I'm extremely proud of the accomplishments we've made as a team during each individual year.

    Our first year was the test to see if a product such as ours even had an audience, and could survive as an alternative to what the wrestling fans were being offered by existing organizations already. Thankfully, the fan base was there to throw their support behind our efforts.

    Our second year saw us crown the first SHIMMER Champion, and establish our own title in the professional wrestling world, while firmly solidifying our core roster of top athletes as our own (in many ways "home grown") stars. Each of these women had their work cut out for them when it came to presenting themselves as THE attraction, not just a side portion of the show which they may have been relegated to serving as elsewhere.

    Though some members of our roster have gone on to later become television stars, each of our women built their initial name and reputation based on their wrestling skill, ring presence, and determination to make it, without the aid of television exposure. We didn't need to bring in established television stars to give you the best in a women's wrestling show. These women already were the best, and proved it with their outings inside the ring. And you treated them as stars.

    When I look back at our third year of operation, I see it as a year of growth and building for our future. Wrestlers who where here since day one such as Daizee Haze, Sara Del Rey, Cheerleader Melissa, MsChif, and Mercedes Martinez (to only name a few), were embraced by you as our true stars, based solely on their early performances on our DVD series. Wrestlers who made their way to SHIMMER competition a bit further into our operation like an Amazing Kong or a Sarah Stock, eventually earned your approval as well, based on their level of performance. In year three, I feel that several members of our crew really stepped up their game and brought their performance to the next level, to the extent that we can really count on them to deliver those truly memorable matches during the years to come, not only here in SHIMMER but across the wrestling landscape.

    Our third year saw someone like Serena Deeb break out as a top performer. Though she may not be one of the flashiest performers in independent pro wrestling today, doing all of the latest "innovative" maneuvers, Serena is the pure embodiment of what a young, determined babyface professional wrestler should be. Her display of emotion in addition to her execution during her matches are second to none, and her matches this year, particularly her series against Sara Del Rey, really translated her true abilities and raw potential to the audience in a huge way. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Serena is in many ways our Ricky Steamboat, and it's for many more reasons than just the beautiful armdrags. She's "got it," and is going to achieve great things in this profession.

    Jetta's vocal personality and the very animated way she carries herself in the ring has been a unique, amusing, and in my opinion essential aspect to our shows ever since her arrival. She was put in the position of becoming a headliner on one of our events earlier this year and was able to deliver in that role just as effectively as she had been a perfect midcard addition to our roster during her initial outings. Jetta has also shined as a great tag team wrestler at the side of Rain, making the International edition of the Home Wrecking Crew a unique entity in its own right, separate from Rain's earlier established partnership with Lacey. For every master of technical wrestling, high flying wizardry, or hard hitting, strong style brutality we have on the show, we need someone like Jetta on the card just as much.

    Not only Jetta & Rain, but our entire tag team division really came into its own during our third year. It was truly the right time to establish SHIMMER Tag Team Champions, to go alongside the SHIMMER Championship prize.

    Lexie Fyfe & Malia Hosaka continued to be SHIMMER's standard for tag team wrestling, in many ways teaching the younger generation of female performers what tag team wrestling is, through the process of stepping into the ring against them. Taking the newer teams to school, in the case of "The Experience," is not just a figure of speech. They are a key part of our roster's continued growth.

    Portia Perez & Nicole Matthews as "The Canadian Ninjas" turned into one of our most entertaining acts in short order. At the same time, I must also compliment Nicole's performances in singles action during this past year. Matthews has really matured into almost a completely different, more confident and skilled pro wrestler, and has done it before our very eyes ever since her arrival one year ago, at the time as just Portia's Canadian buddy. Through her combination of Kosher pickles, chocolate chip cookies, ninja ways, and youthful appearance, Perez has oddly become one of the most over characters on our shows. And she can't be bodyslammed.

    Ashley Lane & Nevaeh, perhaps the tag team duo most dedicated to the concept of being tag team wrestlers out of the entire bunch, put in solid efforts against each of the other teams on the roster over the course of 2008, including several rematches after exchanging wins and losses with their opponents. They bring out the best in one another as tag team partners, while also highlighting the skills of their opponents in the process of facing them in their matches, and I have no doubt that they will represent SHIMMER's tag team division with pride as champions in the future. You can only have effective heel tag teams with great babyfaces to complement them. Ashley and Nevaeh are committed to traveling the wrestling world as a team, both to continue to better themselves as tag team wrestlers, and also spread the word of SHIMMER to fans everywhere they compete, by regularly defending the title belts.

    Though not a part of the SHIMMER Tag Team Championship Gauntlet on Volume 21, the two teams which headlined Volume 17, MsChif & Cheerleader Melissa and the "Dangerous Angels" of Sara Del Rey & Allison Danger, delivered one of the best all around tag team matches we've ever featured on one of our shows. With MsChif focused on defending her SHIMMER Championship, and Del Rey and Danger having different viewpoints at present, it's uncertain as to what either team's future tag team contributions may be, but during this past year they certainly made their mark.

    Australia's "Pink Ladies" of Madison Eagles & Jessie McKay were a tremendous addition to our October 19th taping as a tag team unit. Their crisp double team combinations and excellent grasp of pro wrestling's fundamentals resulted in some of the best tag action of the taping, and both women proved that they are worthy of their spots in the SHIMMER locker room. As I write this, I am in the studio in Tampa beginning the production phase of Volumes 21 & 22, and the Pink Ladies' outings on these two DVDs make me excited to see what they can do in the future inside the SHIMMER ring.

    After initially forming their tag team on the Canadian indies, the "Suicide Blondes" of LuFisto & Jennifer Blake brought their explosive style of tag team wrestling to SHIMMER for the Gauntlet, and plan to do so well into the future for SHIMMER's tag team scene.

    Not only as a team with LuFisto, but as a singles competitor, "Girl Dynamite" Jennifer Blake has begun to emerge as someone to keep your eye on during the course of the next few years. Though she is still quite new to pro wrestling, for someone with as little experience as Jen has at this stage of her career, she shows such fantastic potential. Her matches against Allison Danger and Cheerleader Melissa this year give us just a taste of what is to come once Jennifer Blake gets some more ring time under her belt. She is one of those cases where it will be an exciting ride as we watch her grow as a professional wrestler in SHIMMER competition during the coming months (and hopefully years)!

    In addition to the relative new additions to our roster making their own progress during our third year, a wrestler such as Ariel, who has been here from the beginning but never really emerged as a main eventer on our shows, began to show her true abilities as of late. Ariel showed she can put on high energy contests against the likes of Amazing Kong and Nikki Roxx this year, elevating her own status in the SHIMMER hierarchy in the process.

    Daffney was able to put her past history of knee injuries behind her, which plagued her early SHIMMER tenure as a wrestler, and ended 2008 on a very positive note. Daff has always been a great source of entertainment on professional wrestling cards, and contributed to SHIMMER's presentation this year in ways that only she can.

    One of Europe's best, "The Croatian Panther" Wesna Busic, was thrust right into the main mix from her debut, facing established stars like Mercedes Martinez and Amazing Kong, and instantly showing our fan base, who may not have been very familiar with her, that she is at that same level when it comes to her ring skills. She brought out a fantastic side to Amber O'Neal on Volume 21 as well, who herself showed once again that when thrown to the wolves, even our resident "Diva" Amber can hang with the hard hitters on the roster! Wesna closed out her first year as a part of our roster with the International Dream Match against LuFisto, which won Match of the Night honors from several fans in attendance at our October 19th taping. Wesna successfully lived up to her worldwide reputation by delivering in the SHIMMER ring during '08.

    Even though she may be new to our locker room, I look forward to Miss Natural remaining a solid veteran presence on our shows into the future. 2008 additions like Cat Power (meow) and Danyah are still working to carve their own niche in the SHIMMER realm, but are slowly becoming more comfortable in their roles on our events. Even newer talents like Rachel Summerlyn, Stephie Sinclair, Cherry Bomb, and Melanie Cruise all made their way to Berwyn for the opportunity to prove their worth to the fans, as well as their fellow wrestlers in the locker room and earn future spots. Their dedication to wrestling and willingness to learn should be applauded.

    Though I do view year three as the year that so many of the aforementioned women began to really make their mark and come into their own as talents which we can count on for SHIMMER's future, that is not to say that our established crew of top level talents weren't also a big part of this year's success as well. After all, the main eventers are the draw, even if I like to focus on the talents which are still being developed!

    Daizee Haze, though sidelined for one of our tapings during this past year, came through in her performances on our DVDs, while also being a huge part of SHIMMER's future development with her activity at the ROH Wrestling Academy, and new role as SHIMMER Trainer. I look forward to Daizee continuing to be the heart (punch) of SHIMMER during year four, just like she has been since that first main event match against Lacey back on Volume 1.

    It was great to continue to be able to feature the talents of Amazing Kong and Nikki Roxx on our events, despite their current contractual status with TNA. Thanks to the assistance of both Bill Behrens and Bob Ryder, we were able to have both women remain a part of our family during year three. Kong is, without a doubt, the most awe inspiring female wrestler out there today. She is an attraction in and of herself. Nikki has developed, through her added travels and opportunities over the past year and a half, into a top flight athlete in every sense of the word. She brings a level of confidence and professionalism to every match she is a part of, that by having matches against the likes of a Nicole Matthews, Danyah, Jetta, or even longtime colleague Ariel, she brings them up a few notches while being their opponent. That is a very valuable contribution for a wrestler to make to a wrestling show.

    Cheerleader Melissa and Mercedes Martinez both came through as MVP's this year. Melissa's tag outing on Volume 17, as well as singles bouts against Sarah Stock, LuFisto, and Jennifer Blake are all memorable for their own reasons. LuFisto vs. Melissa was a magical moment in SHIMMER's history. I don't think anyone will ever forget the exchange between the two during the closing moments of their Volume 20 war, and the literal scream of intensity at one another along the way. Martinez's match against Melissa on Volume 19 will go down as one of the most solidly wrestled contests we've ever featured. It was a great display of why both women can be considered among the best female wrestlers in the world today. Martinez's return to SHIMMER action in general this year resulted in a string of fantastic matches, showing that, despite that shoulder injury which sidelined her for over a year, she's still the same Mercedes that helped establish our company with her feud against Sara Del Rey a couple years ago.

    The two women who held the SHIMMER Championship during year three were both such essential parts of our existence, it can't effectively be put into words.

    Sara Del Rey's complete transformation from the wrestler we grew to love during SHIMMER's early days, into the vicious, more focused Death Rey of late 2008, meant we witnessed a complete change in Sara's role and method of contribution to our product as a whole as well. As great as she was in her initial position as the face of the promotion, she is just as important, if not more, in her current role as the intimidating ex-champion intent on regaining "her belt."

    While Sara Del Rey as the inaugural SHIMMER Champion brought the same brand of skilled wrestling champion to the title which her trainer Bryan Danielson did to the ROH World Title during his reign, her successor has proven to be a quite different, yet also quite worthy title holder in her own right.

    "Your Soul's Tormentor" MsChif had the unenviable task of being the wrestler on the SHIMMER roster who had to follow in the footsteps of Sara Del Rey's 20+ minute technical wrestling clinics, but nonetheless has come through in that role every single time since being crowned SHIMMER Champion back in April. MsChif's style of matches, and overall ring presence has such a different feel to it than any other character in women's wrestling that it makes her title reign something unique, which can't even really be compared to Del Rey's. Chif's title win, and subsequent defenses of the title, be it against a classic heel like Jetta, a hard hitting strong style opponent like Mercedes, a long time adversary and training partner in Daizee, or another fan favorite like Ariel, have all offered something different in terms of each match's content, and have displayed MsChif's versatility.

    Allison Danger, while currently out of active competition (as she put it, due to "carrying the next generation of SHIMMER wrestler"), remains and important cog in the SHIMMER machine from an organizational standpoint. Don't forget, she gave her collarbone to the SHIMMER cause during year three as well, and still made it to the merch table for you all at intermission before heading to the hospital!

    Wrestlers like Sarah Stock and Lacey made excellent contributions early during year three before being put on the sidelines. I look forward to Sarah's return to SHIMMER action during 2009 (as well as the also injured Cindy Rogers, and an eventual return for "The Jezebel" Eden Black in due time). I'd like to thank Lacey for all of her hard work and physical exertion in the SHIMMER ring during our first three years. Lacey was, without a doubt, one of the important building blocks of SHIMMER as a company, and helped put us on the map. Thank you!

    Looking ahead, I can't wait to see what year four has to offer, not only in terms of the potential matches inside the ring, but also what it has to offer each of our talented women athletes, who are growing better and better with every passing day of additional professional wrestling experience. I'm glad that SHIMMER can assist each of these performers in achieving their goals in this industry, and be an outlet for them to show the world what women athletes can do when given a real chance.

    Thanks for three productive years, everybody!

    Dave Prazak"

    Quelle: Gerweck

    "Volume 23"

    Nikki Roxx besiegt Cat Power

    Amber O'Neal besiegt Tenille

    Daffney besiegt Melanie Cruise w/ Annie Social

    Sara Del Rey besiegt Madison Eagles

    LuFisto besiegt Kellie Skater

    Nicole Matthews vs. Daizee Haze endet im Draw

    Amazing Kong besiegt Mercedes Martinez

    Shimmer Tag Team Title Match - 2 out of 3 Falls
    Ashley Lane & Nevaeh (c) besiegen Rain & Jetta w/ Lacey

    Wesna w/ Annie Social besiegt Cheerleader Melissa

    Shimmer Title Match
    MsChif (c) besiegt Serena Deeb


    "Volume 24"

    Kellie Skater besiegt Jessie McKay

    The Experience Malia Hosaka & Lexie Fyfe besiegen Tenille & Rayna Fire

    Girl Dynamite Jennifer Blake besiegt Amber O'Neill

    Mercedes Martinez besiegt Madison Eagles

    IHWC Rain & Jetta w/ Lacey besiegen Ariel & Nikki Roxx

    Serena Deeb besiegt Cat Power

    Daizee Haze besiegt Nicole Mathews w/ Portia Perez

    Street Fight
    Portia Perez w/ Nicole Mathews besiegt Allison Danger

    Wesna w/ Annie Social besiegt LuFisto

    Amazing Kong & Sara Del Rey besiegen Cheerleader Melissa & MsChif


    Für Volume 25 angekündigte Title Matches: Wesna vs. MsChif (c), und Sara Del Rey & Amazing Kong vs. Ashley Lane & Nevaeh (c)


    "Volume 25"

    Tenille besiegt Jetta w/ Lacey & Rain

    Cat Powers besiegt Rachel Summerlyn, Ariel & Kellie Skater

    Nikki Roxx besiegt Melanie Cruise

    Rain besiegt Jennifer Blake

    Cheerleader Melissa besiegt Jessie McKay

    LuFisto besiegt Amber O'Neal

    Daizee Haze & Allison Danger besiegen "Canadian Ninjas" Portia Perez & Nicole Matthews

    Serena Deeb besiegt Mercedes Martinez

    Shimmer Tag Team Title Match
    Ashley Lane & Nevaeh (c) besiegen Sara Del Rey & Amazing Kong per DQ

    Shimmer Title Match
    MsChif (c) besiegt Wesna


    "Volume 26"

    Jetta w/ Lacey besiegt Daffney

    Daizee Haze besiegt Rayna Von Tosh

    Jessie McKay besiegt Kellie Skater, Melanie Cruise & Jennifer Blake

    Ariel & Nikki Roxx besiegen "The Experience" Malia Hosaka & Lexie Fyfe

    Rain w/ Lacey besiegt Tenille

    Sara Del Rey & Amazing Kong besiegen Serena Deeb & Mercedes Martinez

    Cheerleader Melissa besiegt Wesna w/ Annie Social

    Shimmer Tag Team Title Match
    "Canadian Ninjas" Portia Perez & Nicole Matthews besiegen Ashley Lane & Nevaeh (c) ---> TITELWECHSEL!!!

    Shimmer Title Match
    MsChif (c) besiegt LuFisto


    "Volume 27"
    08.11.09 - Berwyn, Illinois, USA

    Dark Three Way Match
    Knight Wagner besiegt ??? und ???

    Dark Match
    Nicole Matthews besiegt Skill Death Artist #2

    Dark Tag Team Match
    Kacey Diamond & Sassy Stephie besiegen ??? & Kimberly Kash

    Malia Hosaka besiegt Tenille Tayla

    Allison Danger besiegt Kellie Skater

    Tag Team Match
    The International Home Wrecking Crew (Jetta & Rain) besiegen Daffney & Rachel Summerlyn

    Singles Match (Special Referee: Daizee Haze)
    Cat Power besiegt Ariel

    Tag Team Match
    Melanie Cruise & Wesna Busic besiegen Ashley Lane & Nevaeh

    Cheerleader Melissa besiegt Nicole Matthews

    Sara Del Rey besiegt Jessie McKay

    SHIMMER Title #1 Contendership Match
    Amazing Kong vs. LuFisto - Double Count Out

    Ayako Hamada besiegt Mercedes Martinez

    SHIMMER Title Match
    MsChif (c) besiegt Nikki Roxx


    - Es wurde eine Videobotschaft von Portia Perez eingespielt, die bekannt gab dass sie sich mit der Schweinegrippe infiziert habe und deshalb nicht bei der Show anwesend sein kann. Ihre geplante Gegnerin Allison Danger kam zum Ring und bezeichnete das als Ausrede, doch Nicole Matthews kam um die Ehre von Perez zu verteidigen während sich Kellie Skater in den Ring schlich und statt Perez gegen Allison Danger antrat.

    - Daffney turnte gegen ihre Partnerin Rachel Summerlyn und überliess sie der sicheren Niederlage.


    "Volume 28"
    08.11.09 - Berwyn, Illinois, USA

    Ariel besiegt Malia Hosaka

    Melanie Cruise besiegt Kimberly Kash

    Tag Team Match
    Ashley Lane & Nevaeh besiegen Kacey Diamond & Sassy Stephie

    Nikki Roxx besiegt Wesna Busic

    Rachel Summerlyn besiegt Daffney durch DQ

    Tag Team Match
    The International Home Wrecking Crew (Jetta & Rain) besiegen Jessie McKay & Tenille Tayla

    Cheerleader Melissa besiegt Kellie Skater

    Mercedes Martinez besiegt Cat Power

    Nicole Matthews besiegt Allison Danger

    Ayako Hamada besiegt Sara Del Rey durch DQ

    No Disqualification No Count Out Match
    Sara Del Rey besiegt Ayako Hamada

    SHIMMER Title Three Way Elimination Match
    MsChif (c) besiegt Amazing Kong und LuFisto
    - Amazing Kong eliminiert LuFisto
    - MsChif eliminiert Amazing Kong


    - Während des Matches zwischen Nicole Matthews und Allison Danger ging die Ringrichterin zu Boden und Daizee Haze nahm ihren Platz ein. Nicole Matthews gewann schließlich als sie Allison Danger mit dem SHIMMER Tag Team Gürtel niederschlug, ohne dass Daizee Haze dies mitbekam.

    - Nachdem Sara Del Rey in ihrem Match gegen Ayako Hamada nach einem Stuhlschlag disqualifiziert wurde, wurde das Match unter No Disqualification und No Count Out Regeln neu gestartet. Das Match wurde von anwesenden Fans als bestes Match des Abends, von manchen gar als bestes SHIMMER Match aller Zeiten bezeichnet.

    - Mit ihrem Pinfall an Amazing Kong ist MsChif die erste Wrestlerin überhaupt, die Kong in SHIMMER bis zum 3 Count auf der Matte halten konnte.


  • SHIMMER Women Athletes
    "Volume 31"
    11.04.2010 - Berwyn, Illinois, USA


    Tag Team Match
    Leva Bates & PJ Tyler besiegen Anna Minoushka & She Nay Nay

    Main Show

    Kellie Skater besiegt Jessica James

    Jessie McKay besiegt Sassy Stephie

    Malia Hosaka besiegt Rayna von Tosh

    Mercedes Martinez besiegt Tomoka Nakagawa

    Melanie Cruise (w/Annie Social) besiegt Allison Danger

    No Disqualification Match
    Daffney besiegt Rachel Summerlyn

    Hiroyo Matsumoto besiegt LuFisto

    Cheerleader Melissa besiegt Misaki Ohata

    SHIMMER Tag Team Title Match
    The Canadian Ninjas (Nicole Matthews & Portia Perez) (c) besiegen Ariel & Nikki Roxx

    Hamada besiegt Daizee Haze

    Ayumi Kurihara besiegt Sara Del Rey

    SHIMMER Title Match
    Madison Eagles besiegt MsChif (c) ---> TITELWECHSEL!!!

    Quelle: SHIMMER

  • SHIMMER Women Athletes
    "Volume 32"
    11.04.2010 - Berwyn, Illinois, USA

    Jamilia Craft besiegt Malia Hosaka

    Rachel Summerlyn besiegt Kellie Skater

    Cat Power besiegt Nevaeh

    Tag Team Match
    Allison Danger & Jennifer Blake besiegen Annie Social & Melanie Cruise

    Tomoka Nakagawa besiegt Jessie McKay

    Portia Perez besiegt Tenille Tayla

    Sara Del Rey besiegt Misaki Ohata

    MsChif besiegt Daffney

    Sarah Stock besiegt Nicole Matthews

    Daizee Haze besiegt Ayumi Kurihara

    Mercedes Martinez besiegt Hiroyo Matsumoto

    Cheerleader Melissa besiegt Hamada

    Quelle: SHIMMER

  • SHIMMER Women Athletes
    "Volume 33"
    11.09.2010 - Berwyn, Illinois, USA

    Dark Tag Team Match
    Mia Yim & Taylor Made besiegen Maya Svensson & Mena Libra

    Main Show

    Tag Team Match
    Jessica James & Rachel Summerlyn besiegen Athena & Jessie Brooks

    Cat Power besiegt Jamilia Craft

    Allison Danger besiegt Leva Bates

    Melanie Cruise besiegt Taylor Made

    Misaki Ohata besiegt Ariel

    Serena besiegt Kellie Skater

    Sara Del Rey besiegt Nevaeh

    Jessie McKay besiegt Nicole Matthews

    No Count-Out Match
    Ayumi Kurihara besiegt Daizee Haze

    Ayako Hamada besiegt Tomoka Nakagawa

    SHIMMER Title Match
    Madison Eagles (c) besiegt Cheerleader Melissa


    SHIMMER Women Athletes
    "Volume 34"
    11.09.2010 - Berwyn, Illinois, USA

    Kellie Skater besiegt Jamilia Craft

    Melanie Cruise besiegt Leva Bates

    Nikki Roxx besiegt Misaki Ohata

    Daffney besiegt Nevaeh

    Veronika Vice besiegt Allison Danger

    Tenille besiegt Daizee Haze

    SHIMMER Tag Team Title Match
    The Canadian Ninjas (Nicole Matthews & Portia Perez) (c) besiegen Jessica James & Rachel Summerlyn

    Cheerleader Melissa besiegt Tomoka Nakagawa

    Tenille besiegt Athena

    Three Way Match
    Jessie McKay besiegt Ayako Hamada und Sara Del Rey

    SHIMMER Title Match
    Madison Eagles (c) besiegt Ayumi Kurihara

    Quelle: SHIMMER

  • SHIMMER Women Athletes
    "Volume 35"
    12.09.2010 - Berwyn, Illinois, USA

    Dark Match
    Maya Svensson besiegt Mia Yim

    Main Show

    Melanie Cruise besiegt Jessica James

    Mercedes Martinez besiegt Misaki Ohata

    Tag Team Match
    Daizee Haze & Tomoka Nakagawa besiegen Pretty Bitchin (Ariel & Nikki Roxx)

    Allison Danger besiegt Veronika Vice

    Portia Perez besiegt Serena

    Amazing Kong besiegt Kellie Skater

    Sara Del Rey besiegt Rachel Summerlyn

    Hamada besiegt Nicole Matthews

    Ayumi Kurihara besiegt Cheerleader Melissa

    SHIMMER Title Match
    Madison Eagles (c) besiegt Jessie McKay


    SHIMMER Women Athletes
    "Volume 36"
    12.09.2010 - Berwyn, Illinois, USA

    Mercedes Martinez besiegt Nikki Roxx

    Jamilia Craft besiegt Jessie Brooks

    Mena Libra besiegt Taylor Made

    Leva Bates besiegt Cat Power

    Veronika Vice besiegt Jessica James

    Misaki Ohata besiegt Kellie Skater

    Nevaeh besiegt Athena

    SHIMMER Tag Team Title Match
    The Canadian Ninjas (Nicole Matthews & Portia Perez) (c) besiegen Jessie McKay & Tenille

    I Quit Match
    Rachel Summerlyn besiegt Daffney

    8 Man Tag Team Elimination Match
    Ayumi Kurihara, Cheerleader Melissa, Hamada & Serena besiegen Daizee Haze, Madison Eagles, Sara Del Rey & Tomoka Nakagawa

    Quelle: SHIMMER

  • SHIMMER Women Athletes
    "Volume 37"
    26.03.2011 - Berwyn, Illinois, USA

    Jessie Brooks besiegt Jett Riley

    Brittany Force besiegt Rhia O'Riley

    MsChif besiegt Kellie Skater

    Mena Libra besiegt Courtney Rush

    LuFisto besiegt Tomoka Nakagawa

    Tag Team Match
    Regeneration X (Allison Danger & Leva Bates) besiegen Jamilia Craft & Mia Yim

    Christina Von Eerie besiegt Sara Del Rey via Count-Out

    Cheerleader Melissa besiegt Athena

    Tag Team Match
    The Knight Dynasty (Britani Knight & Sweet Saraya) (w/ Rebecca Knox) besiegen Pretty Bitchin (Ariel & Nikki Roxx) via DQ

    Serena besiegt Daizee Haze

    Hamada besiegt Jessie McKay

    SHIMMER Tag Team Championship
    Hiroyo Matsumoto & Misaki Ohata besiegen The Canadian Ninjas (Nicole Matthews & Portia Perez) (c) ---> TITELWECHSEL!!!

    SHIMMER Championship
    Madison Eagles (c) besiegt Mercedes Martinez


    SHIMMER Women Athletes
    "Volume 38"
    26.03.2011 - Berwyn, Illinois, USA

    Daizee Haze besiegt Courtney Rush

    Tomoka Nakagawa besiegt Jessica James

    Tag Team Match
    Pretty Bitchin (Ariel & Nikki Roxx) besiegen Regeneration X (Allison Danger & Leva Bates)

    Sara Del Rey besiegt Christina Von Eerie

    Cheerleader Melissa besiegt Melanie Cruise

    Tag Team Match
    Jessie McKay & Serena besiegen The Canadian Ninjas (Nicole Matthews & Portia Perez)

    Mercedes Martinez besiegt Rachel Summerlyn

    SHIMMER Championship
    Madison Eagles (c) besiegt MsChif

    SHIMMER Tag Team Championship
    Hiroyo Matsumoto & Misaki Ohata (c) besiegen The Knight Dynasty (Britani Knight & Sweet Saraya) (w/ Rebecca Knox)

    Hamada besiegt Ayumi Kurihara

    (Quelle: SHIMMER)

  • SHIMMER Women Athletes
    "Volume 39"
    27.03.2011 - Berwyn, Illinois, USA

    Tag Team Match
    Jett Riley & Rhia O'Riley besiegen Brittany Force & December

    Kellie Skater besiegt Courtney Rush

    LuFisto besiegt Sassy Stephie

    Rachel Summerlyn besiegt Mena Libra

    SHIMMER Tag Team Championship
    Hiroyo Matsumoto & Misaki Ohata (c) besiegen Pretty Bitchin (Ariel & Nikki Roxx)

    Mercedes Martinez besiegt Britani Knight (w/Rebecca Knox)

    Tag Team Match
    Daizee Haze & Tomoka Nakagawa besiegen Jamilia Craft & Mia Yim

    Jessica James besiegt Athena

    MsChif besiegt Saraya Knight (w/ Rebecca Knox)

    Serena besiegt Portia Perez via DQ

    Best Two Out Of Three Falls Match
    Nicole Matthews besiegt Jessie McKay (2:1)
    - Nicole Matthews besiegt Jessie McKay
    - Jessie McKay besiegt Nicole Matthews
    - Nicole Matthews besiegt Jessie McKay

    Tag Team Match
    Ayako Hamada & Cheerleader Melissa besiegen Madison Eagles & Sara Del Rey


    SHIMMER Women Athletes
    "Volume 40"
    27.03.2011 - Berwyn, Illinois, USA

    Kellie Skater besiegt Taylor Made

    Rachel Summerlyn besiegt Jessie Brook

    Mercedes Martinez besiegt Christina Von Eerie

    MsChif besiegt Melanie Cruise

    Jessie McKay besiegt Athena

    Tag Team Match
    The Knight Dynasty (Britani Knight & Saraya Knight) (w/ Rebecca Knox) besiegen Regeneration X (Allison Danger & Leva Bates)

    Sara Del Rey besiegt Jessica James

    Four Corner Survival Match
    Serena besiegt Cheerleader Melissa, LuFisto und Portia Perez

    Ayumi Kurihara besiegt Nicole Matthews

    SHIMMER Tag Team Championship
    Daizee Haze & Tomoka Nakagawa besiegen Hiroyo Matsumoto & Misaki Ohata (c) ---> TITELWECHSEL!!!

    SHIMMER Championship
    Madison Eagles (c) besiegt Hamada

    (Quelle: SHIMMER)

  • SHIMMER Women Athletes
    "Volume 41"
    01.10.2011 - Berwyn, Illinois, USA

    Nikki Roxx besiegt Kellie Skater

    Mercedes Martinez besiegt Davina Rose

    Hailey Hatred besiegt Kalamity

    Sara Del Rey besiegt Yumi Ohka

    Kana besiegt Mia Yim

    SHIMMER Tag Team Championship
    Ayako Hamada & Ayumi Kurihara besiegen Daizee Haze & Tomoka Nakagawa (c) ---> TITELWECHSEL!!!

    Nevaeh besiegt Ashley Lane

    Cheerleader Melissa besiegt Britani Knight

    Portia Perez besiegt Jessie McKay

    British Rounds Match
    Saraya Knight (w/ Britani Knight) besiegt Allison Danger (w/ Leva Bates)
    Round 1: Allison Danger besiegt Saraya Knight
    Round 2: Allison Danger vs. Saraya Knight endet im No Contest
    Round 3: Saraya Knight besiegt Allison Danger
    Round 4: Saraya Knight besiegt Allison Danger

    Hiroyo Matsumoto besiegt Nicole Matthews

    SHIMMER Championship
    Madison Eagles (c) besiegt Serena Deeb


    SHIMMER Women Athletes
    "Volume 42"
    01.10.2011 - Berwyn, Illinois, USA

    Mercedes Martinez besiegt Leva Bates

    Tag Team Match
    Mena Libra & Melanie Cruise besiegen Hailey Hatred & Kalamity

    Four Way Dance
    Tomoka Nakagawa besiegt LuFisto, Kellie Skater & MsChif

    Yumi Ohka besiegt Courtney Rush

    Portia Perez besiegt Davina Rose

    Tag Team Match
    Nevaeh & Sassy Stephie besiegen Nikki Roxx & Ariel

    Cheerleader Melissa besiegt Christina Von Eerie

    Three Way Dance
    Athena besiegt Jessie McKay & Mia Yim

    Nicole Matthews besiegt Serena Deeb

    SHIMMER Tag Team Championship
    Ayako Hamada & Ayumi Kurihara (c) besiegen The Knight Dynasty (Saraya Knight & Britani Knight)

    Kana besiegt Sara Del Rey

    SHIMMER Championship
    Madison Eagles (c) besiegt Hiroyo Matsumoto

    (Quelle: SHIMMER)

  • SHIMMER Women Athletes
    "Volume 43"
    02.10.2011 - Berwyn, Illinois, USA

    LuFisto besiegt Maja Svennson

    Tag Team Match
    Regeneration-X (Allison Danger & Leva Bates) besiegen Sassy Stephie & Nevaeh

    Nicole Matthews besiegt Davina

    Hiroyo Matsumoto besiegt Kellie Skater

    Saraya Knight besiegt Ariel

    Courtney Rush besiegt Nikki Roxx

    Yumi Ohka besiegt Mia Yim

    MsChif besiegt Tomoka Nakagawa

    Athena vs. Mercedes Martinez endet im Double Count-Out

    Jessie McKay besiegt Britani Knight

    No Holds Barred Match
    Serena Deeb besiegt Portia Perez

    #1 Contenders Match
    Cheerleader Melissa besiegt Kana

    SHIMMER Tag Team Championship
    Ayako Hamada & Ayumi Kurihara (c) besiegen Sara Del Rey & Madison Eagles


    SHIMMER Women Athletes
    "Volume 44"
    02.10.2011 - Berwyn, Illinois, USA

    Kellie Skater besiegt Davina Rose

    Taylor Made besiegt Veda Scott

    Kalamity besiegt Tomoka Nakagawa

    Tag Team Match
    Nevaeh & Sassy Stephie besiegen Ashley Lane & Mia Yim

    Serena Deeb besiegt Yumi Ohka

    Eight Woman Tag Team Match
    Regeneration-X (Allison Danger & Leva Bates), Christina Von Eerie & MsChif besiegen Bonesaw Jessie Brook, She Nay Nay, Melanie Cruise & Mena Libra

    Hiroyo Matsumoto besiegt Jessie McKay

    Sara Del Rey besiegt Courtney Rush

    Athena besiegt Mercedes Martinez via DQ

    Kana besiegt LuFisto

    No DQ Match
    Britani Knight besiegt Saraya Knight

    SHIMMER Tag Team Championship
    Ayako Hamada & Ayumi Kurihara (c) besiegen The Canadian NINJAs (Nicole Matthews & Portia Perez)

    SHIMMER Championship
    Cheerleader Melissa besiegt Madison Eagles (c) --> TITELWECHSEL!!!

    (Quelle: SHIMMER)

  • Jessie McKay gegen Britani Knight??? :golly: Spitze, kann kaum erwarten das zu sehen.

    Aber vor allem: Yeeeeeeah, Melissa ist Champion!! Völlig verdient - beste Workerin im Frauen Wrestling.

    [align=center]Steiner's Wrestling Tour 2014
    01.02.2014 TNA Maximum Impact VI London
    26.04.2014 wXw Superstars of Wrestling Oberhausen
    03.05.2014 GWP Focus on Optimum II Roth
    12.07.2014 GSW Power Game Marburg
    06.09.2014 NEW SnakePit Erlangen
    27.09.2014 WFW Night of Pride Waldkraiburg
    18.10.2014 wXw Slammania II Mannheim
    25.10.2014 SOW American Catch Wrestling IV Odelzhausen
    22.11.2014 wXw 14th Anniversary Tour Hamburg