Joey Mercury gesteht Fehler und Drogenkonsum ein!

  • In einem sehr offenen und in dieser Form sicherlich seltenem Blog hat der ehemalige WWE-Wrestler Joey Mercury Alkohol- und Drogenprobleme eingestanden.

    Hier ein kleiner Auszug aus dem Blog, den ihr komplett unter diesem Link findet.

    "The well-informed die-hard fans of ROH have heard the rumors. "Joey's life is in shambles", "Joey has personal issues", "Joey has demons", "Joey showed up in 'no condition to perform'". That's the thing about rumors, they're usually true. In this case, they were. 3 drug overdoses, 7 car wrecks, a 5 month stay in drug & alcohol rehabilitation , and countless broken hearts along the way, including my own. My former employer did everything they could for me. They gave me chance after chance after chance. I did this to myself."
