Kevin Nash vor Rückkehr?

Veröffentlicht am 19. März 2012 um 22:14 Uhr von WrestlingCorner in der Kategorie: TNA-News.

Kevin Nash hat vor wenigen Tagen in einem Podcast namens „One Sided Ring“ eine mögliche Rückkehr zu TNA Wrestling angedeutet, sofern man dort eine passende Storyline für ihn hätte und er dort gebraucht wird. Außerdem sprach er darüber, dass er sich bei TNA Wrestling sehr viel wohler fühlen würde als wie bei der WWE, da dort seine Freunde wären, mit denen er in den letzten Jahren zusammengearbeitet hat und die er hat aufsteigen sehen. Zudem meinte er, dass eine Anstellung bei TNA Wrestling optimaler wäre, da er dort nicht so viel reisen müsste und die IMPACT Wrestling Zone lediglich 50 Meilen von seinem Wohnsitz entfernt wäre:

„I have a fifteen year old son, and at this point my son needs a Dad more than the world needs a wrestler. The thing that makes TNA work for me is that first of all I have way more friends there than in WWE. I made some friends once I came there – Punk and I got along well, me and Ziggler got along well and I got a chance to hang out with John Cena – but my crew of guys that are still in the business are more the TNA guys. It’s fifty miles from my house. I can drive over there; I don’t have to get on a plane. I can put my gear in the trunk, drop the top on my convertible and be over there and do it. It was always a really easy travel day for me. I enjoyed being down there. I also part of a lot of the young guys – AJ, Eric Young, Bobby Roode – in their early stages of development. Now these guys are becoming stars. I’m not saying I wouldn’t go back. If they had something for me and they needed me, I would go back and do it. Right now I’m starting to get bored!“

Auf die Frage, was TNA Wrestling auf das nächste Level bringen würde, antwortete Kevin Nash, dass die Company einige Major Player wie CM Punk, John Cena oder Dwayne „The Rock“ Johnson verpflichten müsste:

„I think it would take a couple of major players. It would take a CM Punk. He would be a changer for them. He’s an edgy guy, and if he made that jump that would be a huge piece of the pie. Or it would need a Dwayne or a Cena. And those guys aren’t going anywhere. I would hate to say ‘never say never’ because if you had told me during our run with WCW that at one point we’d be out there in WWE, I’d have been like ‚What?‘ Never say never – crazier things have happened. TNA have gone from TNA to Impact Wrestling, which is a brand change. I think they are going in the right direction, as long as TNA continues to make it different. I watch both shows. I like the breakaway feel TNA has, where it feels grittier.“

(Quelle: TNAsylum)

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