John Cena bei WWE Extreme Rules 2012 verletzt – Monatelange Auszeit droht!

Veröffentlicht am 30. April 2012 um 9:09 Uhr von WrestlingCorner in der Kategorie: WWE-News.

Wie berichtet, hat sich John Cena in seinem Extreme Rules Match gegen Brock Lesnar bei WWE Extreme Rules 2012 im Kimura Lock von Brock Lesnar eine Verletzung an seiner linken Schulter zugezogen. Eine genaue Diagnose zur Verletzung soll noch im Laufe des heutigen Tages nach weiteren Untersuchungen erfolgen:

CHICAGO – John Cena’s victory over Brock Lesnar came with a steep price, as has learned the Cenation leader suffered an injured left arm in his Extreme Rules Match against the wrecking machine at Extreme Rules in Chicago.

Lesnar made it a point to punish Cena’s arm in their hotly anticipated bout in Chicago’s sold-out Allstate Arena, trapping his arm in a Kimura Lock halfway through their show-stopping clash. And while Cena – who also took an elbow in the opening moments of the match that split his head open – beat Lesnar by a narrow margin with an Attitude Adjustment on the steel steps, it appears he has ended up the worse for wear despite the victory.

„The most obvious injury was the laceration to his head, which caused a substantial amount of bleeding,“ said WWE locker room physician Dr. Chris Amann. „He also has suffered a shoulder injury. Initial testing in the training room leads me to believe there may be torn muscles, possibly a torn rotator cuff or a biceps muscle.“

Unfortunately, there are no specifics available as to the extent of Cena’s condition, although he is still scheduled to appear on tomorrow’s Raw SuperShow. Dr. Amann told reporters that doctors would be conducting additional tests in the morning to determine the full scope of Cena’s injuries.

Trotz Verletzung soll ein Auftritt von John Cena für die heutige RAW Supershow geplant sein, wo er über seine Verletzung spricht sowie möglicherweise seine monatelange Auszeit offiziell verkünden wird.


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