Tyler Reks verlässt die WWE auf eigenen Wunsch

Veröffentlicht am 22. August 2012 um 21:59 Uhr von WrestlingCorner in der Kategorie: WWE-News.

Wie PWInsider berichtet, hat sich die WWE von WWE Superstar Tyler Reks getrennt, der heute selbst via Twitter offiziell bestätigte, dass er am Montag bei den RAW TV Tapings um seine Entlassung gebeten hat, die ihm sofort gewährt wurde.

Als Grund für seine Vertragsauflösung nannte Tyler Reks seine kürzlich geborene Tochter, für die er künftig seine Wrestlingstiefel an den Nagel hängen und Vollzeit-Papa werden will:

„I just want to say thank you to WWE, Inc. for allowing me to be part of an incredible entertainment experience. On Monday, I asked for my release and the company was gracious enough to grant my request.

„I realized recently that being a Superstar means sacrificing certain things, including time with my family. As a new father, my heart broke every time I had to leave to go on the road. I didn’t ever want to miss another moment with my daughter, so I made the decision to be a full time dad and hang up my boots.

„I will miss everyone in the locker room tremendously as they have all become a second family to me. I want to thank my coaches and teachers that really helped me along the way: Fit Finlay, Arn Anderson, Edge, Christian, Kane, Jericho, Dr. Tom, Norman Smiley, and Billy Kidman.

„I also want to thank my boys. You know who you are. Especially though, a huge thank you to Hawkins. You were like a brother to me the last year and I’ll miss you and will always love you bro. I wish you the best and thanks for understanding that I had to go be a dad. When she’s older, and able to realize what happened, I know Mia will thank you as well.

„Thanks to all the dedicated fans of #ReksAndHawkins and to The #RekkingCrew. I would never have survived without you.

„For anyone interested, I am currently the owner of an Internet Marketing Company that specializes in Search Engine Optimization, Pay-Per-Click, Website Design, and Reputation Management. You can find my company here: http://www.localm2.com/.

„If you need any of our services, don’t hesitate to contact me. And yes, there’s even a cartoon on the multimedia page ;).“

Das Profil von Tyler Reks wurde bereits auf WWE.com in die Alumni Sektion verschoben.

(Quelle: PWInsider)

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