Zusammenarbeit zwischen TNA Wrestling und Clear Vision Ltd. ab Mitte 2013

Veröffentlicht am 2. Januar 2013 um 10:17 Uhr von WrestlingCorner in der Kategorie: Medien-News.

Wie WWEDVDNews.com berichtet, konnten sich „Clear Vision Ltd.“ und „TNA Wrestling“ vertraglich einigen, dass Queensway Digital die DVDs von TNA Wrestling ab Mitte 2013 in Europa vertreiben wird.

Hier die englische Originalmeldung:

Clear Vision Ltd, the previous licensee for WWE DVDs in Europe, will have a future with TNA Impact Wrestling. Power Slam and FSM magazines confirm that Queensway Digital (Clear Vision’s parent company) have reached an agreement for the TNA license.

Our sources tell us that this is legit and the deal is done. However, legally, the company cannot sell TNA DVDs and WWE DVDs under the same label name (currently Silver Vision). The Silver Vision entity has until around June to sell off their WWE stock, and as such they are unlikely to officially announce the new TNA deal until this time. The TNA DVDs will be released in PAL format (as opposed to NTSC as they have been previously in the UK) which will mean they will be of better quality, not suffering from frame rate issues. Reportedly, all PPVs will be released and any specials that may be produced too.

This is seen as a major coup for TNA since Clear Vision Ltd have good connections with high street and online retailers in the UK. For now we hear this is a UK only deal but with the potential for European expansion, especially since TNA is no longer on German TV.

(Quelle: WWEDVDNews.com)

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