Dixie Carter: „Ich bin sehr an einem WWE vs. TNA Crossover Event interessiert

Veröffentlicht am 17. Mai 2013 um 21:22 Uhr von WrestlingCorner in der Kategorie: TNA-News.

In einem Interview mit „Digital Spy“ hat TNA Präsidentin Dixie Carter nun ihr Interesse daran bekundet, einen WWE vs. TNA Crossover Event zu veranstalten, wo WWE Superstars und TNA Wrestler in Matches gegeneinander antreten:

„I don’t think [the WWE] shares my belief in this, but I believe that competition is 100% positively essential,I think it’s important for fans and for us. To have one company dominate, a) it’s boring, and b) you are not being challenged enough. It’s always better to have other options out there and I truly believe it makes both companies better. absolutely would do that. I’m not sure if they would do that (a crossover event), but I absolutely would.“

(Quelle: TNAsylum)

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