Rob Van Dam shootet gegen TNA: „Die WWE hat die besseren Wrestler!“

Veröffentlicht am 17. August 2013 um 21:14 Uhr von WrestlingCorner in der Kategorie: WWE-News.

In einem Audio Blog auf hat sich WWE Superstar Rob Van Dam vor wenigen Tagen dazu geäußert, warum seine Matches bei der WWE soviel besser sind, als bei seinem ehemaligen Arbeitgeber TNA Wrestling.

Zwar nannte er TNA Wrestling dabei nicht namentlich, shootete aber indirekt gegen sie und verkündete, dass seine schwächeren Leistungen bei seinem früheren Arbeitgeber auf seine dortigen Gegner zurückzuführen sind, die er als unausgereift und limitiert bezeichnete, während man hingegen bei der WWE die besten Wrestler finden würde.

„Welcome back to WWE. This is where you belong.‘ You know why? Because WWE is truly the best of the best when it comes to professional wrestling. What makes it the best? Way, way, way more people watch WWE than any other wrestling. The percentage of the global population that tunes into WWE is just fathoms above the amount of people who watch any other wrestling. Does that alone make it the best? Maybe not. But, you have to admit WWE is the standard-setters; they have the best wrestlers.

„Now, you could say, ‚That’s an opinion,‘ and ‚I prefer a different style of wrestling.‘ Okay, you have the right to that opinion, but I can tell you from being in the ring with these guys that once I went to WWE, I noticed right away the skill level, the well-roundedness, the talent of the wrestlers in WWE – way above where I had been before.

„Many of you noticed my matches were better, but you couldn’t put your finger on why they’re better. I’m telling you it’s because I’m swimming in a different pool. Some of the other guys – their achievements are not as grand, the stars that they have wrestled are not as well-rounded, they’re used to wrestling each other, and they’re limited. Fans might prefer that, it’s going to be a small group of fans that will support that and that the wrestlers will be exposed to. And, that’s fine if that’s what you’re looking for. But, if you’re looking for the best of the best, if you’re looking for the best Superstars, it’s right here, baby. WWE.

„So, I like my position there. Who else has stood the test of time like RVD? Have I not proven that I’m doing something right? When will people stop trying to give me their unwanted advice? When will people realize I got this? And that goes for life, not just for wrestling. I got this. Okay?“

Nachdem Rob Van Dam für seine jüngsten Aussagen über TNA Wrestling von einigen Fans scharf kritisiert wurde, legte er nun in einem neuen Audio Blog auf nach und ging mit seinen Behauptungen weiter ins Detail:

„So I had mentioned that it’s good to be back in WWE, where the best of the best are. The wrestling caliber here is so much higher than everywhere else I’ve ever been. These fools have taken that to say that I’m putting TNA down. ‘You’re two-faced, you’re a backstabber.’ No, I’m not saying that.

„TNA has a lot of really really good wrestlers that could easily come to WWE and go right up to the top and still be some of the best wrestlers here. They also have a lot of wrestlers that can go to NXT and learn a lot and get a lot more rounded before they go somewhere. And if you ask any TNA wrestlers who’ve been at the top like Jeff Hardy or Kurt Angle or Bubba Dudley or Devon Dudley, I’m pretty sure they would agree with me.“

„Now better is an opinion, so for you ridiculous fans that want to say, ‚Nu uh, I think the wrestling style is better at Ring of Honor. That’s where it’s a true art.‘ Yes, I’m not giving a mark’s perspective. That’s for you. In fact, I’m giving a wrestler’s perspective being in the ring wrestling with wrestlers. Unless you don’t think I qualify, Google me. You might see I’ve been around. But for you marks that want to give your opinion, yes, you have the right to your opinion.“

(Quelle: TNAsylum)

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