Rampage Jackson: „Ich bin fertig mit TNA!“

Veröffentlicht am 31. Juli 2014 um 23:26 Uhr von WrestlingCorner in der Kategorie: TNA-News.

Bellator Fighter Quinton „Rampage“ Jackson hatte am Mittwoch in einem Interview mit TheFightNerd.com in New York City keine guten Worte für TNA Wrestling übrig und verkündete, dass er nicht vorhabe, jemals zu TNA Wrestling zurückzukehren, da diese Company inkompetent sei und man ihm im Voraus viele leere Versprechungen gemacht habe, die seitens TNA Wrestling im Nachhinein nicht eingehalten wurden:

“To be honest, as soon as I went over there and saw their operation and how they ran things, there were no plans for me to go back. There was a lot of momentum with me when I came out with Kurt Angle and I was supposed to wrestle Kurt Angle and they lost all momentum. They didn’t utilize me in any way, I gave them a couple ideas on how to utilize me and they wanted me to wrestle professional [MMA] fighters. I was like, ‘No, I’m not doing that.’ They just had no idea what they were doing, in my opinion. So no, you won’t see me in TNA ever again. I don’t know whats up with this company, I don’t know what’s going on, I’m outtie. Dixie and Big asked me to come over and do some stuff, they never came through on anything they said they were going to. You guys aint the first people to fill me full of dreams. I’m not buying into that.”

(Quelle: TNAsylum)

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