Mickie James spricht über Rückkehr zur WWE / The Bella Twins feiern Geburtstag / Top WWE Star aus SmackDown! Intro entfernt / Ric Flair goes Fitness / Charlotte für RAW bestätigt

Veröffentlicht am 21. November 2014 um 21:42 Uhr von WrestlingCorner in der Kategorie: WWE-News.

– Die frühere WWE Diva Mickie James hat sich nun in einem Interview mit „The Miami Herald“ zu einer möglichen Rückkehr zur WWE geäußert: „It’s something I’m really interested in. I’d have to revisit that whole thing…Things have changed since then. I think, ‘I’m better than 90 percent of the talent on TV now. Why am I going to step to the side to just train the future?’ I’m not ready to do that, and I’m not trying to be arrogant and self-absorbed. I can see how it can come off that way, but it’s the truth. You look at least 75 percent or at least 80 percent on TV now. I know in my heart of hearts that I can draw more money than them and that I am better than them. I can put more asses in the seats than them. Why would I want to step aside? This is an ego thing, obviously. It’s about knowing your worth and your talent as well. Why would I step aside to allow them to continue to be on top when you know you not only deserve to be there, but you deserve to be the best or one of the best. That is where my mind was over a year ago when I was first considering this whole thing. I was real intense about it. Obviously, now I have more than myself to think about. My position on it has changed in a sense that it’s not about just me anymore.“

– The Bella Twins (Brie & Nikki Bella) feiern am heutigen Freitag, den 21. November 2014 ihren 31. Geburtstag.

– Daniel Bryan wurde nun aus dem aktuellen SmackDown! Intro entfernt.

– „The Nature Boy“ Ric Flair & Dennis Rodman werden an diesem Wochenende in Kalifornien eine „Shape Up“ Fitness Videospiel-DVD aufnehmen. Via Twitter äußerte sich Ric Flair hierzu mitsamt Foto wie folgt: „Tomorrow @dennisrodman’s gonna find out everybody gets old, but not everybody gets great! #shapeupshowdown“

– WWE NXT Women’s Champion Charlotte wurde nun für die RAW Episode am 08. Dezember 2014 in Greenville, South Carolina, und die SmackDown! TV-Tapings am 09. Dezember 2014 in Columbus, Georgia, angekündigt. Ob sie dort ihr Main Roster-Debüt feiern wird, bleibt abzuwarten.

(Quelle: LoP)

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