Josh Mathews ab 2015 offiziell Teil des IMPACT Wrestling Kommentatorenteams / Weiteres TNA Vertragsangebot für Alberto Del Rio

Veröffentlicht am 24. Dezember 2014 um 12:51 Uhr von WrestlingCorner in der Kategorie: TNA-News.

– TNA Wrestling hat vor wenigen Tagen mittels einer offiziellen Pressemitteilung verkündet, dass Josh Mathews (play-by-play) & Taz (color commentary) ab Januar 2015 das neue Kommentatorenteam für die IMPACT Wrestling Shows auf Destination America bilden werden:


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (December 18, 2014) – TNA, today, announced seasoned broadcaster Josh Mathews will join Taz to form the new IMPACT WRESTLING announce team. With Mathews doing play-by-play and Taz color-commentary, the new IMPACT WRESTLING announce team will debut during the LIVE broadcast of IMPACT WRESTLING on Destination America from New York City on Wednesday, January 7 at 9/8c.

“Josh Mathews is a dynamic talent who brings great energy and experience to commentating,” said John Gaburick, TNA’s Executive Vice President of Television. “I’ve had the pleasure to work with Josh for many years and know he, alongside Taz, will captivate fans and enhance the viewing experience.”

Raised in Indiana, Mathews moved to New York as a teenager to pursue his professional wrestling career and quickly established himself as a leading voice in sports entertainment and professional wrestling.

“I was amped up when I heard the news Mathews would be joining me to announce IMPACT WRESTLING on Destination America,” said Taz. “Our goal is to be the best announce team in wrestling today, combining Mathews’ work ethic and experience with mine alongside the best roster in wrestling. I am looking forward to sitting next to my friend and new announce partner on January 7 in New York City.”

“I’m elated to join TNA and be the new voice of IMPACT WRESTLING alongside my friend and three-time World Champion Taz,” said Mathews. “I’d like to thank Dixie Carter and John Gaburick for this incredible opportunity. Mike Tenay is a legend in this business and I am humbled to build on the body of work he has established over the past 12 years on IMPACT. To have my voice attached to the amazing athletes who do what they do better than anyone in the world is a dream come true.”

IMPACT WRESTLING debuts on Destination America with a special LIVE broadcast on Wednesday, January 7 from 9-11 PM ET, televised from New York City’s legendary Manhattan Center. IMPACT WRESTLING will move to its permanent time slot on Fridays from 9-11 PM ET beginning January 16 on Destination America. And, IMPACT WRESTLING: UNLOCKED with Mike Tenay premieres in its permanent time slot on Saturdays from 10 AM-Noon ET beginning January 17.

– Weiter wird berichtet, dass TNA Wrestling kürzlich Alberto Del Rio ein weiteres Vertragsangebot unterbreitet haben soll, der dem ehemaligen WWE Superstar laut Gerüchten ca. 400.000 US-Dollar pro Jahr garantiert. Alberto Del Rio soll diesen Vertrag jedoch noch nicht unterzeichnet haben, weil TNA Wrestling den ehemaligen WWE Superstar exklusiv an sich binden will, während Alberto Del Rio auch weiterhin noch für AAA und im kommenden Jahr auch für Lucha Underground und Ring Of Honor in den Ring steigen möchte. Es wird erwartet, dass TNA Wrestling die „Exklusivität“ aus ihrem Vertragsangebot entfernen wird, da man Alberto Del Rio unbedingt verpflichten möchte. Als kleine Randnotiz sei angemerkt, dass der TNA Offizielle John Gaburick und Alberto Del Rio zu damaligen WWE Zeiten sehr eng miteinander befreundet waren und zusammengearbeitet haben.

(Quelle: TNA / LoP)

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