Shelton Benjamin stand kurz vor Unterzeichnung eines Vertrags bei TNA Wrestling

Veröffentlicht am 31. Mai 2015 um 10:28 Uhr von WrestlingCorner in der Kategorie: TNA-News.

Der frühere WWE Superstar Shelton Benjamin hat nun via Twitter verraten, dass er kürzlich beinahe einen Vertrag bei TNA Wrestling unterzeichnet hätte, dieser jedoch letztendlich nur daran gescheitert sei, weil TNA Wrestling und er sich vertraglich nicht einig werden konnten:

„Many have asked will I ever got to @IMPACTWRESTLING very recently concluded a dialogue with the company and while both parties are …..Eager to do business we were unable to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement. This is very regretful With all the possibility that were Possible. I have a lot of respect for @IMPACTWRESTLING and the talent who a few I consider great friends, @JadeTNA is not one of them. The door is open on both sides so hey maybe on day.I will continue to raise hell in japan with @njpw1972 @noah_ghc and back stateside with @GFWWrestling and pretty much all over the world!“

(Quelle: PWInsider)

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