Nach „schwachem“ Nashville-RAW: Mick Foley steht kurz davor, ein ehemaliger WWE Fan zu werden

Veröffentlicht am 24. November 2015 um 23:57 Uhr von WrestlingCorner in der Kategorie: WWE-News.

WWE Hall Of Famer Mick Foley hat nun auf Facebook ein Statement veröffentlicht, in dem er nach dem „schwachen“ Nashville-RAW verkündet, dass er kurz davor steht, ein ehemaliger WWE Fan zu werden, sollte sich nicht schleunigst etwas ändern.

Im besagten Statement schrieb sich Mick Foley den Frust von seiner Seele und meinte u.a., dass er die Schnauze voll davon hätte, dass talentierte Talente bei NXT zu Top Stars aufgebaut werden, nur um anschließend kurz nach dem Debüt im Main Roster als Witzfiguren zu enden. Außerdem sprach sich Mick Foley für einen „Umbruch“ und ein „Umdenken“ aus.

Das komplette Statement in voller Länge:


I’m going to quote an article from July, 2014, called „The Sad Case Of Zack Ryder“ in which I wrote: „Eventually, people get tired of finding out that the WWE Superstars they have supported with their cheers, their signs, their purchases, their follows, and their likes aren’t real Superstars – and, little by little, those fans lose interest in WWE, find other interests, and become former WWE fans.“

I am one of those people on the verge of becoming a former WWE fan. I’m tired of being told through Raw, Smackdown and PPV’s that WWE superstars I have rooted for – from Ziggler to Cesaro to Kevin Owens aren’t top stars – no matter how strongly crowd reaction seems to disagree. I’m tired of NXT stars getting their big „break“ in WWE, just to be treated like jokes.

Six months ago, my son and I traveled 12 hours – from Eastern Tennessee to Orlando, Florida to watch Sasha Banks wrestle Becky Lynch at #NXTTakeover. One of the greatest women’s matches of all time. Last night, in what I believe was their first singles match on #RAW. Sasha and Becky were given four minutes. At a time when WWE desperately needs to make new stars – when they need to give wrestlers with talent the opportunity to break through – they gave Sasha and Becky four minutes. I turned the channel, and watched a pretty good football game instead. I think I can get used to watching football games on Monday night again.

I will be watching RAW this Monday. Maybe, as is often the case in relationships, they will give me just enough to remind me why I love wrestling – just enough to keep me coming back. Maybe they will even give Sasha and Becky a rematch – and a legitimate chance to show the world what they can do.

There is an old saying in politics : as Ohio goes, so goes the nation. Think of me as the Ohio of wrestling fans. If I leave, it’s not just one disgruntled former fan; finding something else to do on Monday nights. Instead, losing a long-time, die-hard fan like me might well be an indication of a larger exodus from WWE. I guess we’ll see what tale the ratings tell.

I want to stay. I really do. So please WWE – next week on WWE Raw… Just give me a reason.

Let me know what YOU think. Oh yeah, #SockTuesday is one week away!

(Quelle: Facebook)

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