Neue YouTube Show von TNA Wrestling namens „The Asylum Years“ geht an den Start

Veröffentlicht am 3. Dezember 2015 um 20:47 Uhr von WrestlingCorner in der Kategorie: TNA-News.

TNA Wrestling hat nun offiziell verkündet, dass die Company am heutigen Donnerstag, den 03. Dezember 2015 mit einer neuen YouTube Show namens „The Asylum Years“ an den Start gehen wird, in der auf die frühen Tage von TNA Wrestling in Nashville, Tennessee zurückgeblickt wird:

„It is the foundation on which Impact Wrestling was built. The Tennessee State Fairgrounds near Impact Headquarters in Nashville, TN was our home in those early years. Now, every Thursday night from 7PM to 8PM EST you can relive the „Asylum Years“ live! We will start from the very beginning and you can watch along with the current stars of Impact Wrestling as they relive those early moments with you.

Every Thursday night we will rollout another classic episode from The Asylum Years on our official YouTube channel. Don’t miss a second of reliving the moments that we still celebrate to this day and some moments we all might want to forget! Starting this Thursday, December 3rd at 7PM EST.“

(Quelle: TNA Wrestling)

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