Kurt Angle erklärt TNA World Television Championship Titel offiziell für inaktiv

Veröffentlicht am 3. Juli 2014 um 22:06 Uhr von WrestlingCorner in der Kategorie: TNA-News.

Wie TNA Wrestling heute in einer offiziellen Mitteilung verkündet hat, wurde der TNA World Television Championship Titel am heutigen Donnerstag, den 03. Juli 2014 vom neuen „Director Of Wrestling Operations“ Kurt Angle offiziell für inaktiv erklärt und fortan nicht mehr ausgekämpft:

„Kurt Angle was named as the Executive Director of TNA Wrestling this past week on Impact Live by the TNA Board of Directors and he’s already making changes. Effective today – the TNA World TV Title is now inactive.

What does this mean? We reached out to Kurt Angle for a comment.

Kurt – “The TV Title was left dormant by the Dixie Carter and MVP administrations for over a year. Taking over as Executive Director has required me to fix issues they left behind. Championships are the reward of competition inside the ring between wrestlers striving to be the best. As of now, the TV Title is inactive. I’m looking for our roster to step up their level of competition and wrestle on a higher level for the World Heavyweight, X-Division, Knockout and World Tag Team Championships.”“

(Quelle: IMPACT Wrestling)

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